Page 8 of Dirty Delilah

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His fingers tightened around hers. “Not even close,” he assured her. “You are an amazing woman, Delilah. Confident, sensual and strong. This is nothing like the last time. Selfishly, I still long to shock you—just a little. Maybe when we’re done here and I get you alone, you can tell me about one of your more scandalous fantasies, and I’ll take it from there.”

Delilah looked down at the tray of appetizers and set the beer down beside it. “I’m done, Wild Man. You?”

“Done?” His smile was the definition of sin. “I think we’re just getting started.”

Chapter Three

“Why are we back at the garage?”

Delilah was impatient. Getting back on his bike had been her foreplay—having him hold her hand and press it against his flat stomach, her body rocking against him and her sex humming from the engine’s vibration. She thought he’d take her back to his place, or back to her hotel, and then they could rip each other’s clothes off and finally get some relief. Instead, he pulled up beside the dark repair shop and turned off his headlight.

Was this

about reliving the past again? Going back to the garage where he’d rejected her and getting dirty on the grit-covered floor? She could think of worse ideas. And so many better ones. “Asa?”

“Shh,” he whispered. “Crime shouldn’t have an audience. Grab the To-Go bag.”


He tapped her thigh and she got off the bike, grabbing the bag of appetizers from the restaurant and watching as he did the same and then grabbed her free hand, pulling her around the back of the building.

“You have keys now, you know,” she muttered. “You have a rental agreement that allows you on the property after business hours. What the hell are we doing?”

He passed the backdoor to her father’s garage and kept going until he reached a heating unit that stood silent beneath a high window. He stepped onto it and tugged. “We aren’t sneaking into my garage, Del. We’re sneaking into his.”


“Shit,” she swore as he pulled her up beside him. “Asa, this isn’t a good idea. All he’d need is the smallest excuse to have you arrested for trespassing. I’m twenty-eight, not sixteen, and my business has a good rep—”

“Delilah.” He held her against his body and pressed his lips to her neck, his teeth scraping just hard enough to make her shiver. “I do this all the time and he’s never stopped me. There’s something I want to show you, a place I need to show you. I promise you won’t regret it. Trust me?”

Damn it. How was she supposed to resist when she felt his rough hand slip under her blouse and caress her skin? She would let him take her right here. Or in Sebastian’s workshop. Anywhere. “Yes.”

“Fuck,” he groaned, his fingers digging into her flesh. “I love hearing you say that. I can’t wait to hear how it sounds when I’m inside you.”

Neither could she. “Crime,” she gasped. “Hurry.”

“Crime,” he rasped back. “On it.”

He let her go, pulled something small and metallic out of his pocket and reached up to the window’s lock. In seconds she heard the catch release and then he lifted the glass.

Delilah couldn’t help her grin. “You have done this before. Did you ever think that might be the reason he’s trying to buy the garage out from under you?”

“Nah,” he laughed softly, adjusting the window so they could get through it. “He doesn’t want me to leave at all. The man idolizes me.”

Now she was laughing. “I think you might be too cocky for your own good.”

“You can tell me in the morning. I think I’m exactly cocky enough. Hand me the bag. Up you go.”

She shook her head. “First? What if I trigger an alarm or break something?”

“Done this,” he repeated patiently. “There’s a table right beneath this window. I’m going to lift you up, and you just have to step down.”

He put his hands on her hips and she closed her eyes. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

“It’s good to know I can still shock you. Now grab on…yeah, there, and slide your legs through. Good girl.”

She was standing on a table in the sexy Sebastian’s workshop. She was officially a criminal.

Tags: R.G. Alexander Erotic