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The jolt she’d felt when Tyghe had first touched her, that same strange energy that had swelled between them when they’d been joined—but more. Callie’s mouth opened on a silent gasp as she lifted her chin to stare at Tucker in shock.

Where her hand covered his shirt sparks of light violet and deep purple swirled around her fingers. She met his blue-grey gaze, heated with anger, surprise and something else. Desire? She trembled. What was happening? It was similar to what had happened when she and Tyghe had touched…but more.

She remembered with vivid clarity a night, years ago, when she’d come to the Abbott house in need of solace. Her foster mother had been cruel, and Callie had felt lost, alone. She ran to the family she wished was hers, the family who didn’t treat her as though she were a stranger. When she realized none of the Abbott’s were home, she’d been so disappointed that she’d collapsed on the porch and wept as though her heart were shattering.

Tucker had found her. As soon as he’d realized she wasn’t physically injured, he’d lifted her into his lap and rocked her in his arms in silent comfort. She’d only been twelve years old, and he fifteen, but she was sure at that moment that she was in love with him. There’d been no sparks that she could see, but she had felt safe for the first time in her life. Warm. Loved.

She’d been devoted to him. But he’d made it clear by his actions through the years that he didn’t feel the same. He was always kind, but he never looked at her as though she were a woman. She’d never seen his eyes darken with passion for her.

There was passion there now.

She studied his face. A face she knew as well as her own. The strong jaw, the dimples so deep she could see them even when he wasn’t smiling. His full, sensual lips and blue-grey eyes. Eyes that were saying he wanted her. Needed her. He leaned closer, as though he might press his lips against hers, might finally kiss her after all these years of waiting. She tilted her head back.

Tyghe started chuckling again, a grating, sarcastic sound that broke the moment. He stepped away from Callie’s touch, and the energy between them ebbed. Callie curled her hand at the loss, stepping back and crossing her arms defensively.

Tyghe clapped his hands together and shook his head. “Priceless. Well, little girl, looks like I’m not the only one who can ring your magical bell, temporary though it may be. If only your hero had gotten here a little earlier, you wouldn’t have had to waste your time with second best.”

“Tyghe, wait—” But she could hear his footfalls as he headed down the stairs, followed quickly by the slamming of the front door. He was gone. “Damn it.”

“I’m sorry,

Callie.” She turned to face Tucker, standing stiff and uncomfortable beside her. “If I’d known he was in here…”

She sighed. “I know. You don’t have to tell me. You wouldn’t have come in.”

He met her gaze. “That wasn’t what I was going to say. If I’d known, I would’ve been here sooner.” He studied the mass of tangles that had been her hair and smiled. “You’ve changed your hair. It’s shorter, and the color is a little different. I like it.”

He noticed her hair? Why did that make her heart beat faster? “I went to the salon with Harrison.”

At the mention of his sister’s name his smile faded. “I have to talk to her. I can’t believe Jenner didn’t stop her. The fact that she could do it at all is…I didn’t know she had this much power.” He strode toward the door, stopping at the opening without looking back at her. “Callie, I… I’ll talk to you later. Don’t worry. I’ll fix everything.”

When he was gone she fell backward onto the bed, her head spinning. Maybe having magic wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. She thought about what had happened since she’d woken from Harrison’s spell and realized she was actually smiling. Who was she trying to fool? She’d had more excitement in one day than the rest of her life combined. More passion and chaos and confusion, not to mention a magical facial.

And Tyghe.

She frowned. She couldn’t deny the strength of her desire for him. Couldn’t even deny that just the thought of him aroused her, made her thighs tingle with heat. Being with him only made her want him more. She’d go search him out right now but she knew he wasn’t in a welcoming mood. She wished he hadn’t left like that, but she couldn’t really blame him. She’d almost kissed Tucker, would have if he hadn’t interrupted, right in front of the man who’d just given her a mind blowing orgasm. Innocent, proper Callie was a hussy when it came to the Abbotts.

She sat up, heading toward the shower. She needed a moment alone before she faced the lion. She knew Tucker would try and put his foot down, try to stop them from going to Triune. But it was too late. Callie was just as stubborn as he was, whether he knew it or not. She was going. And Tyghe was going with her.

He wasn’t backing out on her now.

Callie heard their voices halfway to the kitchen. With her damp hair in a ponytail, her comfortable jeans and sweatshirt covering all evidence of her earlier behavior, she was ready to take Tucker on.

Harrison sounded weary. “That’s what I’m trying to tell you, Tuck. It wasn’t my doing.”

“So then it’s—the only other way would be— Shit. This doesn’t make a damn bit of sense.”

There was silence for a moment, then Callie heard the smile in Jenner’s voice as she spoke to Tucker. “Except that, in a strange and perfect way…it kind of does. Don’t you think?” She raised her voice. “Callie, I’ve made you some cucumber sandwiches, love. You must be famished.”

Callie walked around the corner, her gaze instantly clashing with Tucker’s. The frustration in his expression quickly morphed into laughter and shared memories. Leave it to Jenner.

When she’d first started coming to the Abbott house, she’d thought it so grand, she’d mentioned being surprised they didn’t have high tea like the British ladies she’d read about in her books. Moira and Jenner had decided then and there to throw the two young girls a tea party, complete with fancy hats and cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off. Callie had made such a fuss over them, mostly because of the novelty that the sweet, endearing Jenner began to make them every time she came to the house. She didn’t have the heart to tell the older woman she’d rather have a cheeseburger.

She accepted the plate Jenner handed her with a grateful smile, wrinkling her nose at Tucker playfully. “Have they filled you in on the plan?”

His expression hardened. “The plan has changed. Magian law will take care of the criminal, Harrison will wait a few more months to go to Triune, and you…well, you can go back to your life. To school.”

Where you belong. Callie couldn’t help the twinge of hurt she felt at his unspoken meaning. “I’m on a break. Besides, Magian law hasn’t done much to stop the previous four attacks, what makes you think it can handle the next one?”

Tags: R.G. Alexander Wicked 3 Erotic