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Saint smirked. “Mating has neutered the lion, I see. Are we gossiping now? I know something that’ll make your toes curl.”

“Suck it, Saint.”

“Children, stop fighting,” Mac sighed. “Listen to me very carefully. Saint’s cousin and I are going to win this competition. After we do I want you to promise me a few things…as my friends.”


“Wait, let’s hear what it is first.”

“First,” Mac lowered his voice, “know that you cannot help me. This is my choice. What started out as a minor distraction and irritant has blown up into something that cannot be ignored and I take full responsibility for it. But I will not be able to countenance any injury to you or your women. Once we’ve won, take them away from here—Rose and the two humans as well. Keep them safe at all costs.”

Thomas ran a hand through his dirty blond hair. “This is bullshit, Mac. Trumped-up bullshit. You didn’t go to the White House and bite the First Lady’s neck on CNN for Christ’s sake. You agreed to let Gerard frigging Butler play you in a movie.”

Mac crossed his arms. “I never agreed to that.”

“The point,” Saint continued. “Is that you are—and let me see if I can find the kindest way to phrase this—a big, dead, redheaded moron.”

Mac smiled. “I’m glad you chose the kindest way.”

“You’re welcome. Why are you so determined to give up now, after we scared away the slayer, after all this cloak and dagger you’ve been enjoying for months?” Saint narrowed his dark eyes, and Mac saw them flash a momentary red. “Rose. Another sacrifice you’re sure to not be thanked for. You’re doing it for Rose.”

“I’m tired,” Mac corrected, hating Saint’s ability to read him as much as the demon disliked his empathy. “I just want to look my accusers in the eye, have it out and have it done. However it ends, I’d rather it be on my terms.”

Swearing, Thomas clenched his fists and shifted restlessly on his feet. Mac gripped his shoulder. “Before you rush to blame yourself, I’d like to thank you, Thomas. I mean that sincerely. I’ve wanted to kick your ass for a while, but now I can see that it all came out the way it was meant to. You found Margo, Liam found Julie, Saint found Ume. None of that would have happened if you hadn’t started the Shifting Reality vlog.”

“I would’ve found Ume.” The current of certainty running through Saint’s voice silenced them all for a moment. Then he winked. “But you’re right. Everyone else would still be sad, shedding couch potatoes if Thomas hadn’t started the vlog I showed him how to make. And Rose wouldn’t have come to hunt down the bloodsucking criminal to earn her freedom from her hostile, leather-clad psycho sisters.”

Mac nodded. “I’m glad we understand each other.”

Thomas growled. “I don’t understand.”

“We know,” Mac and Saint spoke in unison, causing more than one head to turn.

“Ready to rock?” Saint smiled and waved his Blackberry at his friends. “The show must go on…apparently.”

When he got backstage and saw Rose standing off to the side, away from the other competitors, he shook his head in admiration. She was, without doubt, the sexiest woman he’d ever seen.

Even if she weren’t wearing every man’s schoolgirl fantasy outfit—her breasts straining against the white, buttoned-up top and her long legs revealed by that swatch of plaid fabric—she would still have him on his knees.

Before he could stop himself he was at her side, whirling her around in his arms and kissing her with all the passion she’d awoken inside him.

Rose didn’t hesitate in her response. Her arms wrapped around his neck and her tongue tangled with his, fueling his hunger.

Mac lifted his head. “I want you.”

She licked her lower lip. “You can have me, vampire. Anytime. Anywhere.”

“How about now?” He smiled down at her as her eyes flashed. “There must be some corner where we can…warm up our vocal chords.”

“I know just the place.” Rose took his hand and turned, pulling him behind her as they wove through the frazzled-looking crowd and headed toward the dressing rooms.

She opened the door to the first empty dressing room and tugged him inside. Mac slammed the door behind him and spun her around, pressing her against it as he kissed her again.

“We have time, Mac,” she assured him in between kisses.

“It’s been too long. Hours,” he muttered. “You’ve ruined me, Rose. I can’t wait another minute.”

“We have enough time,” she soothed him again, breathless. “Take me here. Take whatever you need.”

Tags: R.G. Alexander Shifting Reality Paranormal