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She ducked her head, but he was right there, sitting up and tugging her onto his lap, his fingers under her chin forcing her to meet his gaze. “What price?”

“My freedom,” she whispered. Then she shook her head, dislodging his touch and burying her face in his neck. “No, I mean, the vampires offered a large bounty. According to Magnolia—the biggest we’ve ever had. She said you really got under their skin because of the show. The ego thing. They can take humans playing them on the big screen…they even laugh about it. But the idea that one of their own could get away with it, without asking, really dinged their pride.”

Rose bit her lip and smiled apologetically. “That’s what she said anyway.”

Mac was smirking. “I can see how vehemently you disagree with her.” He sighed. “I have to believe there is more to it than that.”

“You have friends, Mac.” Rose placed her hand on his chest. “The vampires I know have underlings and bootlickers but they don’t have the kind of friendship that they saw you shar

e with Thomas and Saint. They don’t have ghosts willing to volunteer to reveal themselves and put on a show out of loyalty instead of fear. You’re unique, Mac. I think they’re jealous.”

“It is better to die an envied man than an idiot, I suppose.” Mac kissed her forehead, lifting her off his lap and carrying her to the bed.

Rose frowned as he set her down. “Sometimes it’s better not to die at all. Run away with me, vampire. Hide.”

He put his hands on his hips and sent her a stern look. “Vampires do not hide.” When she lifted one eyebrow, his eyes started to twinkle. “Occasionally we go out of our way to be unavailable, I’ll admit, but we don’t hide. And I’m done with it in any case.”


He pounced, gripping her wrists and holding them above her head as he straddled her thighs. “Why did you say ‘freedom’? Explain it to me and then I’ll answer you.”

Damn it. “It doesn’t matter.”

“Now, Rose.”

“I made a deal with my sisters ages ago. To stay until I could afford to buy my way out of the family business. They agreed because…” she shrugged, looking away from him, “…because I’m ordinary. I was a member of the Devil’s Garden for aesthetics—six demon beauties—not because I had any particular aptitude or skill for the job.”

“You found me,” he murmured.

“Luck,” she responded, unimpressed. “I’ve wanted out forever. I hate the hours, and I’m not a big fan of the company. I wanted a chance to find my own path and to stop working for the damn vam—”

Mac smiled when she bit her lip. “It’s okay. I don’t like them either.”

She glared at him. “Then why are we still here?”

“Because I’m Jolene’s hero, Angus the brave,” he grinned. “And I do like the title.”

She knew. “Great. So we’re singing in Vegas?”

“We are.”

“We should practice.”

He started kissing her neck…her breasts…her stomach. Oh, that felt good.


Chapter Five

“I swear it was just like that Idol show!” Jolene enthused for the third time over dinner at one of the hotel’s four-star restaurants. “The judges were brutal. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen so many people crying in one place.”

Hobie patted his wife’s hand. “Which we would surely feel bad about if their tears didn’t mean you and Rose would be in the finals tonight. I think we have a real chance of winning this thing.”

“That’s what I meant, Hobie, baby. And of course they’ll win.”

“I know, my love.”

Mac forced a smile, but he couldn’t keep his eyes from scanning the crowded dining room, searching for Rose. She’d disappeared as soon as they ordered and he was restless, close to leaving the table to look for her. Protect her.

Tags: R.G. Alexander Shifting Reality Paranormal