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Saint went back to his chair and tried to relax. Tried being the operative word. With no roommates to stop him, he was about to do something stupid. He had to have more information about her. Had to talk to her.

He was going in.

He gave himself a human warrior character he’d used before. One just strong enough not to draw attention. After insuring the penthouse was protected from any unwanted visitors, he left his physical body behind, his consciousness streaming seamlessly into the avatar.

Saint had walked through his creation before. Interacted as if he were one of them out of boredom or curiosity. It amused him to no end to talk about himself in the third person. To listen to the players postulate or brag or outright lie about run-ins with the Demon King, Saint.

This time he was on a mission with only one mantra in his head. Find her. Find her. A few tweaks to the code should do it. He’d take her out of the countryside where she was protecting a group of whining villagers with her friends and put her in a more…conducive setting. She would give in to him. He would find out exactly what made her tick.

And then he’d wind her up.

What in Hell was going on? Ume stared at her laptop, utterly disoriented and confused. Her character had been fighting off a small horde of disgusting-looking little hobgoblins with a group of gamers she enjoyed playing with, having a blast, then the screen changed without warning.

A familiar cut scene appeared around her. The short movie showed her character walking into a crowded bar. She’d been here before. It was a rest stop, a gathering place between quests. All types of creatures, all skill levels, were welcome here to make friends, flirt and trade. It was a place out of time, one part medieval tavern, one part modern nightclub. A popular band was even playing on stage, so if her character wanted to ask the bespectacled bison with the giant guns to dance, she could.

It didn’t make any sense. She still had her kitana sword drawn. When the movie clip ended and her character was allowed to move again, she turned to exit, determined to head back to her friends.

Someone was blocking her path. The avatar of a tall, stunning warrior. He was gorgeous, with a dark swoop of hair and eyes nearly as black as her own. He’d outfitted his avatar in tight brown pants, boots and a leather vest that left his muscular biceps bare, giving Ume a clear view of hi

s weapon of choice. His left arm. It was covered in some sort of biotech that looked really impressive. That was one of the things she loved about this game. There were no limits. If you could imagine it, the creator had put it in the game, from kitana to futuristic weaponry to—she noticed the small earplug in his ear and smirked—mp3 players.

A chat window appeared beneath his image.

Sinner: That’s a dangerous sword for such a beautiful kitsune. I could use someone at my side with your unique skills.

Ume’s eyes rolled, ignoring the thrill running up her spine. This was a virtual world. In reality, she had a feeling this warrior, this Sinner, didn’t look like that. But he was clever.

She started typing.

I’m impressed. You’re the first person I’ve met that knows what I am.

He responded immediately.

*Reaches behind you to run my palm along your fur* I thought these three beautiful tails kind of gave it away.

Ume shivered. She’d felt that. A hand caressing her backside. How strange. Or maybe not, considering how long it had been since anyone had touched her in more than a medical fashion.

She’d never been one for cyber flirting. Face to face was more her style. It gave her a sense of the person’s intentions. Don’t be silly, Ume. This isn’t flirting. It’s just a game. A character.

Ume swore she saw the warrior smile.

In case you were wondering, I’m definitely flirting. Why don’t we go to that booth in the corner and discuss it in private? That, along with a job I have for you that I think you’ll want to take.

Oh my. Ume looked around her living room with a guilty blush. It didn’t matter that she lived alone. She still felt a little like a teenager about to do something she knew she shouldn’t. Suddenly getting back to the battle right away didn’t seem so important. Nor did the computer glitch that had sent her here. She was curious. And there didn’t seem to be any harm in satisfying that curiosity. She sent her character to the booth, and the warrior who called himself Sinner followed.

Ume took a sip of her soft drink to soothe her dry throat, then began to type once more.

What is this job? I’m curious.

Sinner’s reply appeared in the window.

It’s something I know you want. Something everyone wants. A treasure no one in this world has ever gotten close to. But first, *I slip my hand under the table and you can feel my fingers trace a line up your thigh, gliding between your legs* I want to know why you’re here. Why I’ve never seen you before.

“What the—” Ume looked down, lifting up her laptop and the blanket beneath it. Nope. Nothing there. But she’d felt it again. Those rough, masculine fingers between her thighs. She still felt them. And her body was responding. Heating.

Maybe it was time to lower the dosage of her pain medication.

Maybe you should just go with it, the devil on her shoulder whispered. Ume raised her eyebrows. This was a fantasy, wasn’t it? And there was no way for anyone to know who she actually was. But then again, there was no way for her to know who he really was either.

Tags: R.G. Alexander Shifting Reality Paranormal