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“Spencer?” she asked, laying one hand on his chest.

He glanced at her hand. But before he could cover it with his own she was moving toward the doors.

“Where are you parked?” she asked, glancing back over her shoulder.

He was staring at her rear—good. He frowned, tore his gaze away and pulled both suitcases behind him. The walk to the car was tricky. Her heels were tall and there was ice on the ground. Not to mention it was cold. But a padded coat wouldn’t help with the whole remind-him-what-he’s-getting part of her plan.

She climbed into the truck, the hem of her skirt riding up just enough to reveal she was wearing stockings and a garter belt. A garter belt that matched the bra she was wearing. Yes, she was playing dirty. And it was way outside her comfort zone but she could only hope it would work.

He started the truck, but they didn’t move. From the corner of her eye, she saw the way he was looking at her thigh. And her stomach clenched, willing him to reach for her. She ran her hands over her skirt, smoothing the fabric over the slight glimpse of plum silk, and buckled her seat belt.

Awareness coursed through her. This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. He was the one who needed to be overcome with desire, not her. Instead, she was throbbing, wanting his hands on her, his lips... She cleared her throat. Cool, calm, collected.

Five minutes later, the car still wasn’t moving. He was staring straight ahead, every muscle taut. Maybe she wasn’t the only one fighting this crazy hunger.

“Is everything okay?” she asked.

He nodded, not looking at her, and put the truck in gear. They set off, navigating their way out of the airport and onto the highway. The silence grew unbearable.

“How are the wedding preparations going?” she asked.

He shrugged.

“When did you fly out?” she tried again.

“This morning,” he answered. “With Patton. We had a funeral to go to.”

She looked at him, surprised. “I’m so sorry, Spencer. Was it someone you were close to?”

“We worked together.” His answer was curt.

“Was it on the job?”

He shook his head. “No. Car accident.”

“I’m sorry for your loss.” She wanted to touch him then, to offer some sort of comfort.

He looked at her, eyes blazing. “How was California?”

She swallowed. “It was wonderful.”

His jaw ticked. “Have a good time?”

“A great time.” She had. When she wasn’t missing him. “I met some nice people. Gretchen has a brother who’s a fireman, so he and some friends took us out one night. They were pretty hilarious.” All of which was true. Gretchen’s brother was a happily married father of two, but Spencer didn’t need to know that.

“A fireman?” he repeated.

She nodded, wondering what he was thinking. “I tried a few new things too.”

“Like?” he barked.

“Oh... Have you ever had Thai food?” she asked.

He shook his head.

“It’s hot,” she said, laughing. “My eyes were watering and my tongue felt paralyzed. Even the next morning.”

“What else?” he asked.

Tags: Sasha Summers Billionaire Romance