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“Patton and Ellie ended a while back,” Spencer said. “Cady, Patton’s fiancée, she’s a force of nature. One my brother didn’t stand a chance against.”

“It was one of those whirlwind sort of things,” Lucy agreed. “The wedding’s New Year’s Eve at a fancy mountaintop resort in Colorado that Zach manages. Romantic, right?”

Her open disbelief had Spencer grinning from ear to ear. “Really?”

Spencer nodded. “I know. Patton. Whirlwind. Marriage. Romance. Who’d have thought?” His big brother Patton was hardly the hearts and flowers type. Hell, neither was Zach. But somehow they were both content to be tied to one woman.

Tatum nodded. “He was always sort of...stuffy. And reserved. No offense.”

“None taken. He was. Hell, for the most part, he still is.” Spencer laughed.

Lucy giggled. “You should see him, Tatum. He’s adorable. Never in a million years did I think Patton could be so crazy in love. And show it. But Cady’s got him hooked.”

“It’s nauseating,” Spencer agreed. But that wasn’t really true. He was happy for his brothers—hell, he envied them. Both of them had the love of a good woman, women who completed them.

“And Zach?” Tatum asked.

“Bianca,” Lucy said. “Sweetest girl I have ever met. I think we were all worried he’d bring home some world-traveling, socialite type with his career and all. But Bianca is wonderful, grounded and kind. You’ll meet them both soon, being an honorary Ryan this year.”

He saw the look on Tatum’s face, the yearning pressing in on him.

“I remember being so jealous of you growing up,” Tatum said, hooking her arm with Lucy’s. “A big family, get-togethers, big parties.” Her gaze met his. “There was always something happening at your house, Spencer. Lots of laughter. And they’re all still here? Your whole family?” Tatum asked. “That’s—”

“Smothering?” he interjected, laughing.

Tatum laughed.

“Sometimes,” Lucy agreed. “But when you’ve got multiple trees to decorate and a mother who wanted this done yesterday, having extra hands—”

“Is pretty damn convenient,” Spencer agreed.

“So, tomorrow, we’ll get you set up before the big Holiday Lights kickoff?” Lucy asked. “I’d offer to stay and help tonight, but I promised to watch Mrs. Medrano’s grandson.”

Which was a relief. He didn’t know how he was going to get Lucy to leave, but there was no way he and Tatum wanted a chaperone tonight. He grinned, anticipation warming his blood. “I’ll get the house lights done. And the tree up.” He glanced at Tatum, noting the flush to her cheeks and hoping it meant she was just as eager. “What else do you want to tackle tonight, Tatum?”

The look she shot him made him bite back a hiss. Damn, but her face gave everything away. And damn if he didn’t like the way her mind was working.

“Shopping,” Lucy prompted.

Tatum nodded, tearing her gaze from his. “Yes. Food... I should go to the store. You’re doing so much to help me out, the least I can do is feed you. And your family tomorrow.”

“I’ll get started here,” he agreed.

Lucy checked her watch. “I have an hour. We can shop, I’ll drop you off and head to Mrs. Medrano’s?”

“Thank you,” Tatum said. “Thank you both for today. It was great to get out, to doing normal things, you know?”

He needed to remember she’d been through a hell of a lot. She seemed happy, but then, Tatum had always been the smiling, upbeat sort—even when she was hurting on the inside. He wanted her to be happy. If Lucy wasn’t standing here, he’d tell her as much. She deserved to be happy. And if chopping down a tree and putting up some lights made her happy, he’d do it.

He was also more than willing to take off all her clothes, spread her out on her bed and love her body until she was shouting his name. He knew that would make him very happy. He shoved his hands back in his pockets.

Lucy hugged her. “It’s Christmas, Tatum. You’re home. You should be happy.”

Tatum’s smile touched his heart. He’d missed her. He’d missed that smile.

“Now let’s go get you some food so you’re not starving,” Lucy said. “Need anything?” she asked him.


Tags: Sasha Summers Billionaire Romance