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Her quirky humor. Her smile. Those blue eyes. Altogether too tempting for a man in his position. And he’d let her ride off. No, he’d hoped she’d ride off. Because he wasn’t ready. How could he be? It wasn’t right.

Frustration twisted his insides.

The Lodge rose up, its windows spilling welcome light into the growing darkness. It was bigger than he’d pictured, more impressive, and likely warmer than the cold night air. The bite in the air had increased along this last stretch of road. His fingers tingled and his nose was downright numb. He almost wished he’d taken Renata up on her offer of a ride.


Spending more time with her might have ended the fascination—or added to it. She might be the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, besides Shanna. And, looking at her, he’d felt something he’d thought he’d lost with his wife. Attraction. Real, hard, knock-the-air-out-his-lungs attraction.

Why was he surprised? He was lonely. So damn lonely he ached. But feeling this way after ten minutes with a stranger was unsettling. And out of character. He wasn’t a hormonal teenager, dammit. He had responsibilities and a family to take care of.

He hurried up the Lodge steps and pushed through the thick wooden door, appreciating the instant warmth, smell of baking bread and bright light. A hot meal, a hot shower and a soft, warm bed was all he wanted. Tomorrow he’d have his interview and leave. And he wouldn’t spend another minute thinking about Renata.

“Evening,” the middle-aged woman gushed. “Checking in?”

Five minutes later he’d dumped his duffel bag on the massive king-size bed in his guest room. The place embraced the country-rustic style. He hung his hat on the wooden headboard, eyed the bed and thick quilt with appreciation, and grabbed the plate of fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies on the bedside table. Yes, please. He popped one into his mouth and moaned. Homemade and warm. He ate another and headed into the bathroom for a shower. Pearl, the lady at the front desk, had told him dinner was being served—just enough time to clean up and warm up.

The waterfall shower was heaven. He stood under the steaming faucet until he could feel his fingers and nose again then toweled off and dressed for dinner, leaving the last two cookies for a bedtime snack.

Pearl greeted him at the dining room door. “We have chicken-fried steak with cream gravy, mashed potatoes, and fresh green beans or chicken pot pie.” She paused. “Or we’ve got a soup and salad bar? But you look more like a meat-and-potatoes man to me.”

He wasn’t sure what a meat-and-potatoes man looked like, but she was right. “Chicken-fried steak.” He was in Texas. Might as well enjoy the local food.

“You’re in for a treat.” She pointed to the back wall. “There are cups there, tea, soda, water or coffee. Help yourself and pick a spot.”

He nodded, poured himself a cup of steaming hot coffee and sat in a booth along the back wall. A quick inspection of the room told him it was filling up so, to avoid conversation, he opened the information packet the University of East Texas had sent to him. He was excited about teaching—about working with the best and the brightest while keeping a family-friendly schedule.

His phone vibrated, a picture of Curtis appearing. He ran his finger over the picture. Weight settled on his chest as he studied the sweet face. Curtis, sitting between Ash’s mother and mother-in-law, grinning his adorable grin at the camera. His mother followed up with an All good here. Good luck at your interview tomorrow. We’ll see you soon text.

Curtis was getting big—running and climbing and getting into everything. Lucky for him, his son had a sweet disposition and an adventurous spirit. And no fear. Just like his mother. He didn’t like being away from him but knew the short trip, the flights and unfamiliar surroundings would only throw off his schedule.

Thank you for keeping an eye on him, he texted back. Since Shanna’s death, his mom and Shanna’s mom, Betty, had all but moved in. They were both widowed, both retired and both smitten with their only grandchild. As invasive as they were, he knew he couldn’t do it without them. When he’d gone back to work, they’d waved off his suggestions of day care to watch Curtis instead. Which suited Ash, and Curtis, just fine. Shanna had planned on staying home, and the mothers were so tickled by the arrangement, the only thing he had to worry about was Curtis getting spoiled. So far, there was no cause for concern.

“Your dinner.” The blue-haired waitress put a massive plate piled high with deliciousness in front of him. “Dig in, honey. Nothing like a full stomach to make a man smile. I guarantee you that there will put a big smile on your face.” She pointed at the food. “Let me know if you need anything else.”

He nodded and took a bite. Flavor assaulted his taste buds. The waitress was right. He was smiling. And good didn’t begin to describe it. When she returned to drop off a heaping basket of still-warm dinner rolls to his table and winked, he nodded his approval. She chuckled and headed on to another table. Another table with a certain blonde cowgirl. Sitting alone, staring at a computer screen.

He froze midchew. Renata.

Damn it all.

Instant awareness tightened his body. No. She was just a woman. No different than any woman he passed on the street. Certainly nothing to get worked up over. Nothing special. His training had taught him to analyze problems, face them head-on and find answers. Maybe looking at Renata that way would help him. He blew out a slow breath, set his fork down and really looked at her.

There was no denying she was beautiful—she was. And the way she smiled up at the waitress had him wishing she was smiling at him.


Even if he were in a place to pursue her, someone like her would have someone. He waited, expecting her better half to join her. But, as he did his best to eat every morsel of his meal while subtly watching, she remained alone. Even staring at her computer screen, her face was animated.

Enough. He finished his dinner, gulped down the last of his coffee and hurried from the dining room without a backward glance. It was too early to sleep, but maybe he’d have an easier time focusing on the university’s information packet from the comfort of his room and that big bed—far from distractions. Especially blue-eyed blondes with dazzling smiles.

After an hour of reading all about the impressive equipment, accolades and experienced staff at the University of East Texas Veterinary Teaching Hospital, and another hour of lying there flipping channels on the television, he grew restless and his brain began to wander. Never a good thing. Curtis was safe. The mothers had everything under control. The rest needed to stay locked up tight. Best way to do that was to occupy himself. Did they have a gym? He’d packed on some muscle recently, spending more time than he’d admit working through his anger and grief.

He pushed out of his bed and peered out the window of his room. The view from his bedroom window was clear, the sky lit up with a thousand diamonds of various size. Perfect material for a photo session. Carrying his coat in one hand and his camera in the other, he headed down the hall into the great room.

It was quiet, save the occasional snap and pop of the fire in the massive fireplace. An older gentleman sat dozing, a paper held in his hands. Other than that, he had the place to himself. Ash slipped by, taking care to open the French doors that led out onto the back porch. The view took his breath away. It was so familiar and so alien all at once. Yes, he and Shanna had traveled through Stonewall Crossing, but it was more than that. The rolling hills reminded him of his childhood home.

He’d grown up on a southern Oklahoma farm. He’d spent his days on horseback, digging post holes, learning every inch of the place until he could walk it blindfolded. As a

Tags: Sasha Summers Romance