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“Yes. Who is this?”

“Special Agent Lilah Love.”

“I don’t know if I can talk anymore today.” She sobs.

Some people think I’m cold. Some people think I’m a bitch. But I’m selective about those things. They’re part of how I work a crime scene. How I survive dead bodies and the betrayals I uncover every day of my life. But when I’m dealing with someone who’s lost a loved one, I possess a profound understanding I wish I didn’t.

“I know,” I say. “I really know. This is difficult in every way. And I know because I lost my mother in a chopper crash a few years back. These first few days and months are brutal. You feel like your soul is about to be ripped from your chest.”

“God, yes. Yes. Yes. Exactly,” she sobs.

“But I also know that if you want us to find out what happened to Ann, the first few days are critical. Our solve rate goes down rapidly with every passing day. So, I need to ask you, and I will make this quick, did Ann ever mention or bring by a woman named Marilyn?”

“Oh yes. Marilyn. I remember her name because of you know, Marilyn Monroe. Not many people name their daughter after her. It comes with such expectations, you know?”

“Well, since my mother was Laura Love, I absolutely do know.”

“Your mother was—oh my. Honey, I remember when that crash happened. She was so young and beautiful.”

“She was,” I say, a pinch in my chest. Apparently, getting married is making me all kinds of sappy, after all. “Did you meet Marilyn?”

“I didn’t meet her. Ann just mentioned having coffee with her here in the city. Please tell me she’s okay.”

“That’s what I’m trying to do right now. Make sure everyone is safe. Did Ann tell you anything about Marilyn?”

“They flew up together a few times. They both had family here. I don’t know much more.”

“Thank you for your help.”

“Thank you, Agent Love.”

I hang up.

And I’m right.

The missing piece of this puzzle is in Boston.


Kane and I finally do it. On a bright and sunny, but chilly day in New York City, we get our marriage license, at least one of them. And despite all that is going on around us, we manage to silence everyone else’s demands as we stop at one of our favorite spots for breakfast. The silence is probably easier attained because I have everyone looking for the missing person in our puzzle, and so far, no one has an answer. No one knows who the mastermind is behind the weapon used to kill four people so far, including Ann.

After breakfast, Kane walks me to the SUV where Team Lilah, otherwise known and Jay and Enrique, await.

“The mechanic is meeting you at the airport,” Kane says, before I climb inside. “Your reservation is under Delores Smith.”

My brows furrow. “Delores? Really? Why Delores?”

“It’s not a name you’d pick.”

“A fake name,” I say flatly. “Okay. Well, the fact that I need a fake name is the real issue here,” I say. “I thought you had Miguel under control?”

“Just being cautious,” he assures me. “I’d gotten too comfortable. We’d gotten too comfortable. You have enemies. I have enemies. And we both have parents that were murdered. We need to be more careful.”

He’s not wrong. And I’m certainly all for him being more careful. That means I have to give him the same. I grab the lapels of today’s sharp blue suit and thanks to the high-heeled Chanel boots I’m wearing with my black pantsuit, kiss him easily. “See you in Boston, and the sooner the better.”

When I would turn away, he catches my back and holds me to him. “Call me when you land.”

“I will.”

“I love you, Lilah.”

“Okay, first, I love you, too. Second, you don’t go around just saying I love you all casually. Stop acting like I’m about to crash and burn. I have nerves of steel, but you’re making me uneasy.”

“Call me.” He releases me and starts walking toward the SUV in front of ours where Kit awaits.

The man really knows how to turn a girl into mush and this time not in a good way.

“Damn it,” I murmur, climbing into the vehicle with Jay behind the wheel and Enrique in the passenger seat in front of me. “That mechanic is confirmed to meet us at the airport, right?” I ask, despite Kane telling me he is just now, but damn it, Kane’s paranoia is becoming mine.

“Yes,” Jay assures me “And he’s going to stay in Boston on Kane’s dime to check out the return flight.”

Traffic is hectic and we haven’t left the curb when I spy a gift shop. “Hold on,” I say. “I need something from the gift shop.” I open the door and climb out. Enrique is immediately out and by my side. Sometimes these shadow people get frustrating, but Kane’s right. We have to be more careful.

Tags: Lisa Renee Jones Lilah Love Mystery