The neighbor looked as though he wanted to spit then—a sentiment Andrew understood too well. “That don’t hardly recommend you to me.”

“We aren’t friends with their son, sir,” Andrew explained. “We represent his ex-wife. We’re investigating some threats against her.”

The man had approached them now, his walk marked with a slight limp, his grizzled face still suspicious. He stopped close enough that they could speak in normally modulated voices, frowning but seemingly relieved to hear they didn’t claim friendship with Wade. “I know Chuck blames the ex-wife for everything that went wrong with his boy, though Justine doesn’t seem to entirely agree with him. I met the girl only a couple of times, but she seemed nice enough. Too good for Wade, if you ask me.”

Andrew nodded in concurrence.

The old man scratched his stubbly chin. “Wouldn’t think Chuck would go so far as to make threats against her, though. He can be surly, but he’s not completely stupid.”

“We’re simply looking into all possibilities,” Aaron said.

The older man nodded and reached a decision, blurting out, “Chuck and Justine have gone to visit Chuck’s mama in Beaumont. Her last name is Cavender, too, but can’t remember her first name. Wade’s ex probably knows, so if you’re working for her, you can ask her. No need for you to mention how you found out where they are if you talk to Chuck of course.”

Andrew nodded. “No, sir. We won’t involve you. Thank you for the information.”

“Well, that was a waste of time,” Aaron said when they were in the car again.

“Maybe not entirely. Maybe the old man will tell Chuck someone’s looking into him, which could serve as a warning in the future. And we’ll definitely follow up. In the meantime, you need to get those closed-circuit cameras installed ASAP.”

Bryan had agreed that one of the cameras would record the area around the trailers, while others would be aimed at the houses, at the main building, the motel parking lot and a couple of places in the campgrounds for a total of six units. Signs would be posted that the resort was monitored by security cameras.

“Bryan and I are going to start on that this afternoon,” Aaron agreed. “Tomorrow we’ll reinforce the barrier at the end of the old road. We’re thinking concrete blocks.”

They had been somewhat surprised to discover that the chain was still in place and the road looked undisturbed. They’d agreed that either Cavender had somehow come in through the gate or had walked in on the old road, a long trek over rough ground, but certainly doable. He’d have gone to a great deal of trouble just to sabotage Hannah’s porch, but hatred and bitterness could lead to extreme acts, as Andrew had seen on more than one occasion in his career.

“So, you know my schedule for today. What are you going to do the rest of the day?” Aaron asked when Andrew parked again in Steven’s driveway.

“I have some work I can do from here. And I promised C.J. I’d run a standard background check on Lori’s boyfriend. If you and Bryan need me to help with the camera installation, give me a call.”

Aaron chuckled. “This family does have a way of keeping you busy, huh?”

“I volunteered for the latest assignments. I’m not expecting to find much about the boyfriend, though. Not without a full surveillance operation.”

“I don’t even want to think about how Lori would react to that,” Aaron said with an exaggerated shudder.

Andrew frowned. “Lori.”

“Yeah, what about her?”

Suddenly remembering the tense exchange he’d interrupted earlier, Andrew said, “She and Hannah were quarreling earlier today. I didn’t catch it all, but I think it had something to do with Lori’s boyfriend. You don’t think—”

“That Lori would do anything to hurt Hannah?” Aaron asked incredulously. “You can’t mean that. I’ve known her only a couple of weeks and I still don’t believe it.”

Andrew considered it a few moments, then shook his head. “No, I don’t know Lori very well either, but I can’t accept that. The boyfriend, though—if he thinks Hannah is working against him with the family, maybe...”

“Still iffy. Hannah only found out about Lori and Zach when she got back from Shreveport. As far as I know, she’s done nothing to interfere with them, other than maybe offering some advice Lori didn’t accept.”

“You’re right,” Andrew said with a shrug. “Just considering all the angles.”

“You always do.”

“I try.” Andrew climbed out of the car and pushed a hand through his hair. “Doesn’t mean I always get it right.”

He’d been trying to consider all the angles in his convoluted relationship with Hannah, for example. And he couldn’t begin to predict what would ultimately happen between them. Or even tomorrow, for that matter. All he knew was that he was far from ready to say goodbye to her.

* * *

The three men Hannah had secretly dubbed “the stooges” checked out Saturday afternoon. Nathan Burns, the one who’d made the reservations, handled the key exchange, while his buddies picked up sodas and snacks from the store for their drive home. He assured her that their stay had been quite satisfactory, that they’d caught some fish, hiked nearby trails and engaged in some quality buddy-bonding time. “All around great time,” he concluded.

Tags: Gina Wilkins Bell Family Romance