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Hell, he'd thought she was sound—her reasoning about the lemon syrup and alL But he guessed he was wrong. She was still nutty and her hull had just cracked.

Violet eyes glowered at him; dusty lashes blinked in rapid succession. She was spitting mad. He couldn't release her yet.

"Now listen." He brought his nose smack up to hers. "If I let you go, you'd better not be screaming because these canyons carry noise—if Newt didn't hear us already. I've known him for a while, but I can't vouch for a man's character when money's at stake. No telling what he might do if he finds us up here. He travels with a Colt, and I don't want to be on the barrel end of it."

John gripped her arm tighter. "I'm going to take my hand off your mouth. If you open your lips to do more than whisper, you're going to be sorry."

Slowly, he pulled his hand away.

Isabel's nostrils flared. In a low voice, she ground out, "I was never one of the girls in the true sense."

Her words sluiced over him like warm rain after a drought, bringing solace and… relief. Why, he didn't Want to confront. It shouldn't have mattered to him.

With brows furrowed, she asked, "What's this Newt look like?"

"Lanky. Sandy hair. Small gap between his front teeth. Chews tobacco."

To his surprise, she laughed. She rolled onto her back and softly laughed.

He kept his hand on her arm, only now he stretched across her waist… just below the swells of her breasts.

"Oh, him. I know who he is."

That niggling feeling rose in John again, green and ugly. She knew who Newt was.

She quieted her laughter and turned to him. "I locked Newt in the closet."

"What for?"

The mirth in her eyes faded. "Because I couldn't go through with it, that's why. I thought I could."

John eased onto his side, but kept his arm draped over Isabel. She made no move to fling him off her. "Why'd you go there in the first place?"

"I was down on my luck and the Blossom seemed a sure way to improve it. All I was thinking about was the money." Her lashes swept down. "And that I wasn't giving anything up, so I had nothing to lose."

The implication came across clear. She wasn't a virgin.

"I wasn't cut out to be a floozie. I had to wear this scrap of silk Fern told me to put on. The skirt was lemon yellow and the bodice had white lace all over the top and straps—like blossoms. And it had lemon-scented sachets sewn into the hem____"

John listened, but didn't really hear her. He was picturing Isabel in a yellow dress and smelling like lemon blossoms. Maybe with her inky black hair all curled and piled high on her head. If he'd been in the Blossom that night, he would have paid Fern whatever she wanted for a chance to be with Isabel…

"… Fern gave all the girls names the night I started. Said it was a costume party in honor of my… well—" A blush brought a stain of color to her cheeks. "My first time. She called me Miss Lemon Blossom. It was downright humiliating."

Watching her lips as she spoke, John grew mesmerized.

"I had to sit in the parlor and socialize. Then that friend of yours—Newt—he and Fern started talking, and the next thing I'm being told to go up to my room and he's following. Once inside, he starts getting all hands with me right away. I told him I kept a pretty wrapper in the closet and asked him to get it for me. Once he was in the door's opening, I shoved him inside and locked him in the closet."

In spite of the serious set of Isabel's brow, John couldn't help smiling. Newt must have blown a gasket.

"I can't imagine why he'd go around telling people that he and I were… well, you know. That no-good bluffer. I ought to shoot him with my derringer."

"What did you expect him to say? Can't have a man go upstairs with a wh—" He cleared his throat. "A floozie, and then tell the local bartender he got locked in a closet. Wounds a man's pride. He had to say you were a real mer—" John cut his words short.

Isabel looked into his face. "I suppose he said a lot of indecent things about me."

John lied, "Not much," then slowly added, "No more than the deputy and foreman from Sun-Blessed."

Fire lit her eyes to amethysts. "They couldn't have boasted about getting any different treatment than Newt did. I handcuffed the deputy to the bed and left the foreman on the balcony. I let them all go after their hour was up."

Tags: Jude Deveraux Legend, Colorado Science Fiction