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“Oh, yeah. And midnight pizza.”

Turning, Chelsea put her arms around Eli’s neck. “I think that was the nicest thing I’ve ever seen anyone do. Do you know that I love you?”

“No,” he said softly. “I don’t. Before I believe it, you’ll have to tell me every day for the rest of my life.”

“I will,” she said and kissed him. “I promise.”

Eli smiled at her, took her hand in his, and led her out the door, through the parking area, and to the football field.

“I think we should see to Nolan and Grace,” Chelsea said. “They’ve had a traumatic evening and they came with us. How are they going to get home?”

“I gave Nolan my car keys,” Eli said.

“Then how—?” She didn’t finish because Eli gave a whistle. “I didn’t know you could whistle. When did you—?” Her eyes widened.

From the dark of the goalpost came a horse, a magnificent creature as black as a moonless midnight. It wore a black saddle emblazoned with silver that caught the light and threw it back.

The horse stopped by Eli, bowing its head to him. In one quick leap, he vaulted into the saddle, then with a smile, he bent and offered his hand to Chelsea. “Together,” he said.

“Yes. Together,” she answered, then took his hand and let him pull her up behind him. The slit in her gown parted, exposing her bare leg almost to her hip. Her face was pressed against his back, her arms tightly around his waist.

Eli gave one long, lingering caress to her skin, then he nudged the horse forward, and they rode away into the still darkness of the night. Together. Forever.

Tags: Jude Deveraux Edilean Romance