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“With you?” I asked. “Always.”

He chuckled softly, then trailed his fingertips over my collarbone, down the center of my chest, and circled each nipple with a too-light touch. Chills raised over my skin, but it didn’t matter how much I moved into his touch, he always drew back, keeping me on the edge.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said, sliding his fingers over my tummy, my hips, and grazed the edge of my inner thigh.

I whimpered, my body trembling from his touch, from the teasing strokes he played across my skin. I knew exactly what those fingers could do to me and yet he kept them an inch away from where I wanted them.

“Caz,” I groaned, my wrists tugging against the soft silk with the need to touch him. “I want to feel you.”

He increased his pressure by just a fraction, playfully pinching my nipple before flicking it. I gasped at the small hurt, then moaned when he soothed it with his tongue. “Feel that?” he said, his breath warm against my skin.

“Yes,” I whispered, lifting for him to take more of me into his mouth. He teased me with his teeth before shifting, the mattress moving with his weight. I felt the heat of his body as he hovered over me and planted soft, almost-chaste kisses over my chest and lower. Each kiss had my heart racing, had my core curling with need. An ache pulsed between my thighs as he kissed my hip, his mouth so close but so far away. When he kissed just above the center of my thighs, I shifted, needing some kind of friction to sooth that relentless ache.

“You’re wound tight, Ryleigh,” he said, his voice all tease as he smoothed his hands over my hips and around until he palmed my ass. “Something wrong?”

I blew out a tight breath. “Not a thing,” I said, more than into this game. He wasn’t wrong, my body felt like a tight string ready to snap, willing to snap under the right pressure. But he was keeping me on the edge on purpose, teasing and torturing like he had all the time in the world.

But we didn’t, and that fact only made each time we came together that much sweeter.

“You sure?” he asked, gripping my ass and hauling me up until I could feel his breath between my thighs. “Because you look like you might need me to help you with something.”

His lips grazed between my thighs as he spoke, and my hips thrust upward on instinct. “I might need you,” I admitted.

I could feel Caspian’s smile against my sensitive flesh, and then he teased just the tip of his tongue down the center of me, and the breath caught in my lungs. “Say it again,” he demanded, his lips moving against me but nowhere near enough pressure.

“I need you,” I rasped, no longer caring about the game or the delicious anticipation. I wanted him so bad I ached. “Caz!” I said his name as he swiped his tongue over my clit and then lower, plunging into the center of me. I didn’t see it coming and it made each stroke or flick or tease that much more potent. Each curl of his tongue, each time his lips kissed and teased my clit felt like it touched and sparked every nerve ending I possessed. “Ohmigod,” I whispered, arching into his mouth with a hunger I couldn’t rationalize.

“You taste so fucking good,” he growled, the vibrations of his words against me pushing me toward the edge. Everything inside me coiled tight, pulsing with desperation for release. “I could eat you every day for the rest of forever and still not get enough.”

“Fuck, Caz,” I said as he jerked my hips even higher, giving him a better angle to lap at me.

He slid a finger inside me, then another, pumping in time to the flicks of his tongue over my clit. I tugged against my bonds, continuously forgetting about them with each new sensation barreling through my body. The darkness turned me into pure feeling as all my sensors fired with each brush of his tongue, each pump of his fingers, each warm breath sighed on my skin. God, I’d never been so consumed by sensation before, never so wholly submitted to my base instincts before, never felt so alive before.

And Caz was at the helm of it all, controlling my body, filling my soul, taking me to new heights I never knew existed.

My back bowed off the bed as he increased his pace, thrusting those fingers inside me as he closed his mouth around that sensitive bundle of nerves. My thighs tightened around his head as my body coiled and cinched—

He withdrew his fingers, and I whimpered, but then his tongue was there, taking their place, and I fucking shattered from the shock of it.

Tags: Samantha Whiskey Carolina Reapers Romance