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“Yes. Yes. Yes.” She rolled her hips, riding my fingers as I sucked her clit between my teeth and flicked it with my tongue.

She shook. Her breaths stuttered. Her back arched.

There was thunder in my head, a storm of violent need demanding that I give everything I had to this woman.

I stroked her inner walls and pressed her clit with the tip of my tongue, sending her careening over the edge.

“Casp—” She gasped then groaned, coming apart under my tongue, clenching my fingers as the orgasm ripped through her.

I watched in wonder as she came, her body rippling beneath mine, her skin flushing as she rode the waves of pleasure that kept coming as I stroked her down from the high with my fingers and tongue.

“Oh God. Caspian.” She yanked at my head, and I rose above her, kissing her deep.

Her hands reached for my shorts, flicking open the button.

“Ryleigh,” I groaned as she palmed my cock through the fabric of my shorts. That felt so fucking good, but my brain chose that moment to reengage. Wait. We were in a car. At the drive-in. Surrounded by people. “Not like this. Not here.”

I wanted to fuck her into next week, which would definitely make the entire car rock—would make her fodder for the fucking gossips.

“Here,” she demanded, her eyes wild with a heady mix of satisfaction and desire. “I want you. I need you.”

My dick throbbed, more than agreeing with her.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

I jerked at the noise and lifted my head to see Maxim standing at the driver’s side window, rain pouring down the glass.

“Shit.” I grabbed my shirt and yanked it over my head, then covered Ryleigh with the blanket before sliding through the seats and hitting the button to lower the window.

Rain streamed in, soaking the leather seats.

“Not sure if you fucking noticed, but the movie theater closed due to the storm!” he shouted over the thunder, his hair and shirt already soaked through. “We’re headed back to the hotel!”

Lightning lit up the sky, followed by a clap of thunder.

Maxim’s gaze wandered to the back of the car and he swore under his breath, shaking his head. “What the fuck are you doing?” he asked, lowering his voice.

What the fuck was I doing?

“We’ll meet you at the hotel,” I told him, enduring his judgmental shake of his head as I rolled up the window.

I hadn’t just gotten some woman off for the fun of it. It had been a hell of a lot more personal than that.

I’d just gone down on Ryleigh like she was…mine.

“Fuck,” I muttered.

“I heard him,” she said from behind me, and I turned to see her shimmying back into her shorts, her hair a tangled mess that spoke to just how well she’d been pleasured. “I guess we should go?”

My dick ached in protest.

“Yeah. We should go.” We scrambled for our shoes, the tension just as thick as the awkwardness between us as we pulled out of the drive-in.

Big mistake.

Whatever this attraction was between us, it wasn’t just hot.

Wasn’t just chemistry.

It was fucking dangerous, and I had to get control over it before it controlled me.



“You’re going down, Ryleigh!” Caspian playfully yelled across the table separating us.

“Not a chance, Foster,” I fired back, nodding to my left and right where Savannah and London stood on either side of me. Jansen and Hendrix were on either side of Caspian, with Cannon and Persephone on one end and Maxim and Evie on the other. “The red team is going to kick the blue team’s ass!”

The girls lining my side of the table cheered, the men laughing and grumbling from the other side. We each stood before our respective opponents, our red solo cups filled only a quarter of the way full. And since Caspian was the designated driver of the night, I’d filled his and mine with water. But, the crew still let us play.

Maxim kicked us off, clanking his cup against Evie’s before shooting back the liquid and then flipping the cup on the table with just a finger. He got it on his first shot, beating Evie, and down the line it went. London cheated, knocking Jansen’s over, which had me nearly choking as I raced against Caspian, who beat me without even blinking. I might have stomped my foot.

The local bar—which rested inside what used to be an old bakery—was packed with London and Jansen’s combined bachelor and bachelorette party. Jansen’s teammates, me and Savannah and her boyfriend Hendrix and a few of the other locals had been playing drinking games for the past two hours, all while munching on farm-to-table appetizers. I couldn’t remember the last time I had this much fun, and I wasn’t not even drinking.

Wait, yeah I could. The drive-in. That was more fun than this, but this was a different kind of fun. The drive-in? That had been…mind blowing. World shattering. Soul shaking. God, I could rattle off every cliché in the book and not be able to describe what Caspian had done to me.

Tags: Samantha Whiskey Carolina Reapers Romance