Page 27 of Serves Me Wright

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“Fuck, Jen,” he groaned as his body covered mine. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

Music to my ears. Beautiful wasn’t the word most men used to describe me. I’d firmly been cute most of my life, but when he’d said it, the way he’d said it, I believed him.

The first touch of him between my legs made my eyes roll backward. He squeezed my hip reassuringly before sliding the rest of the way in. It was a tight fit, even as wet as I was. He filled me to the brim in a way that I’d never been filled before. It wasn’t just that I hadn’t had sex in a while. This was Julian. Everything felt so much bigger and better and more momentous.

He leaned forward over me, dragging our lips together as he started thrusting inside of me. I brought my legs up around his hips, meeting his thrusts with my own. I could barely breathe, barely think. Everything was hot and needy and building, building, building.

“Fuck, your pussy is so tight,” he ground out into my ear.

I cried out at the filthy words, and he covered my yells with his mouth, fucking me harder. I didn’t want him to stop. Not ever. My second orgasm was knocking on the door of the first. I could feel it coming on so close. I’d never come twice in one night, except by my own hand.

“Close,” he said.

“So close,” I repeated.

Then he lifted one of my legs onto his shoulder, and I swallowed back a shout as he managed to get even deeper.

“Oh fuck!” I moaned. And then I was coming, and there was no way to stop the cascade as it burst free like a broken dam. I tightened around him to the point of pain.

Julian came hard inside of me as my climax triggered his. He was stiff for a few seconds before finally collapsing forward on top of me.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he mumbled incoherently.

I stroked his dark hair out of his face and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Mmhmm.”

He trailed his fingers over my stomach and to my hips, kissing across my chest and to my breasts. “You’re incredible.”

I was so relaxed that I nearly fell asleep right there with him still buried inside of me. Me. The girl who took an hour to get her brain to calm down enough to sleep every night. I’d never been this relaxed in my entire life.

Finally, Julian retreated and went to the bathroom to clean up. I followed after he was done. When I came back into the bed, still naked, I crashed into his awaiting arms.

Then without preamble, I let sleep take me over as if I had never had a concern a day in my entire life. As if I were a different girl entirely.



I was still naked when the first ray of morning hit me. Julian had one arm wrapped loosely around my waist. He didn’t even stir as I shifted to look at him. He snuggled in closer under the comforter and sighed happily when I ran my fingers across his back.

Julian Wright was in bed…with me.

Part of me couldn’t process that. I was still waking up. Dawn had broken, but my brain hadn’t caught up. It was likely because I was hungover as shit. My head pounded. My stomach roiled. The light was too bright. But still, I wanted to preserve this memory forever.

Last night had been a dream. It didn’t even feel real despite all the obvious reality around me. I didn’t normally get drunk. Definitely not drunk enough to sleep with Julian Wright. Definitely not drunk enough for everything that had happened last night. Yet here I was.

I wanted to lie in this dream forever, but I couldn’t.

With a sigh, I scooted out of the bed. Julian’s arm dropped into the empty space. I flicked the covers up around him and then tiptoed to the dresser. I threw on my sleeping clothes and tugged my wild hair up into a half-ponytail. I needed something to drink, Tylenol, and my anxiety meds. None of which were in this room with Julian.

I snuck one more glance at his sleeping form before stepping out of the bedroom. My foot hit a creaky board, and I winced.

“Jennifer?” my mom’s voice called from the kitchen.

I cursed under my breath, deeply regretting leaving the sanctuary of Julian’s arms, and then stepped into the kitchen. “Hey, Mom.”

“Breakfast?” she asked, cracking eggs into a bowl.

“Sure.” I poured myself a glass of water and fished out my pills from my purse. I downed one with two Tylenol, hoping it would do its trick fast enough to let me deal with my mom.

“How was your night?”

“Good.” I took a seat at the island.

“You came in late.”

“We went out with Chester.”

My mom smiled brightly at my brother’s name. “I’m glad to see you two are getting along.” Then she frowned. “Did he tell you?”

Tags: K.A. Linde Erotic