Page 39 of Gamble On Passion

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'I thought about it until the investigator told me he was a homosexual, so I let it go.'

'You are ruthless, Leo,' she said uncertainly. She didn't like the idea that he had investigated Simon, but somehow it did not surprise her.

'Only to protect the people I love, Jacy.' And, swooping down, he pressed a soft kiss to her parted lips.

For a long time the only sound in the darkening room was that of clothes being hastily discarded, and then Leo's deep, melodious voice, sounding like the rustle of satin sheets, huskily declaring all the erotic delights in store, and to Jacy the floor became the most luxurious bed as she gave herself up to her husband's loving...

Later, lying enfolded in his arms, she smiled mischiev­ously up at him. 'Well, you weren't a bad bet after all, Leo. But tell me, what would you have done if I wasn't pregnant, and didn't have to marry you?'

He didn't return her smile; instead he sat up and turned his body to stare down at where she lay naked on the carpet, a flash of anguish in his deep brown eyes. 'Does it bother you that I forced you into this marriage and the baby?'

'No, oh, no. And you were wrong, you know, Leo; I never even considered getting rid of the baby.'

'I think I always knew that, but it was another way to keep you at my side.'

Jacy knelt up beside him and wrapped her slender arms around his strong neck, pressing tiny kisses to his cheek, and chin, anywhere she could reach. 'I love you, and I finally admitted it to myself on our wedding night. In fact I made another bet.'

'You what?' His roar shook the house. 'Who with this time? Not Liz, because I confessed everything to her days before our wedding.'

So that was why Liz was so reticent the night before the marriage, Jacy realised, but all such thoughts were knocked out of her head by Leo hauling her to her feet.

He clasped her hands to his naked chest. 'Gambling is a mug's game, Jacy,' he said urgently. 'What was it this time?' he demanded, and she could feel the heavy thud of his heart beneath her clasped hands. 'I'll find out and cancel it; your betting has caused us both enough heartache already.'

She looked up at him with a secret smile playing around her full lips, and sighed dramatically. 'Cancel it, you say... Well, if you insist.'

'I'm your husband; I do insist.'

'It seems a shame,' she murmured, her eyes lingering over his naked body in deliberate sensual invitation. She freed her hand and stroked down his chest and lower to his flat muscled stomach. She heard his stifled moan of pleasure, and her cheeks dimpled in a wicked smile at the sight of his obvious masculine response. 'I do enjoy gambling.' She tapped him lightly and stepped back.

'Jacy...' He gasped and reached for her.

She lifted molten golden eyes to his, and murmured, 'On the first day of our marriage I gambled on passion making our marriage work, but as an obedient wife I bow to your superior judgement,' and burst out laughing.

'You witch.' Leo laughed, shaking his head in dis­belief, and, grabbing her around the waist, he kissed her until she clung to him. Then he lifted his dark head, gently brushed back a lock of unruly hair from her brow, and stared at her, his black eyes leaping with devilment and banked-down desire.

'Well, I am an extremely wealthy man, Jacy, darling,' he drawled throatily as his hand slid to her hips and pulled her in tight against his thighs. 'Perhaps I was a bit hasty. You can gamble every day of your life, as long as it's only with me.'

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Tags: Jacqueline Baird Billionaire Romance