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He lifted a hand to cover hers, still grasping the button of his jacket. ‘Care to tell me what you are doing here, Liza?’

For a long moment she just looked at him as she struggled to catch her breath, her heart aching. ‘I came to find you,’ she finally said.

His dark, brooding glance narrowed fractionally on her face. ‘Why?’

‘Because I love you, and I don’t want you to do the Ver…Ver…Verbier run,’ she stammered on a long, shuddering sigh, but she had said it. His dark eyes look steadily down at her and she began to wonder if he had heard her at all.

Then he moved, his arms locking around her. ‘What do you want me to do instead, Liza?’ he demanded curtly. ‘Something like this?’

His black head bent towards her and his mouth covered hers, and her lips parted to welcome the probing warmth of his tongue. A fierce, primitive pleasure swept through her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed into his hard body.

‘I seem to remember you said last night I was not your type, Liza,’ Nick prompted, easing her away from him. ‘What made you change your mind?’

He had not jumped at her declaration of love. In fact she was shocked by the fierce tension evident in every line of his body and she had to think for a second what he was talking about. ‘No, no I said you were not the type. I meant for commitment,’ she scrambled to explain. ‘But it’s not important to me any more. I want you—a day, a week, anything I can get.’

The transformation from cold arrogance to glittering triumph was spectacular. ‘You’d better mean what you say, Liza,’ Nick declared adamantly, black eyes blazing. ‘Because I am never letting you go again,’ and he captured her mouth with his own in a wildly possessive kiss.

When Nick finally let her breathe again, she heard the sound of clapping. Her wide blue eyes, lit with love, looked into his. ‘I think we have gathered an audience.’ And they both burst out laughing.

‘Let’s get out of here,’ Nick murmured and turned, but one side of his jacket was still caught on Liza’s blouse. He wrapped an arm around her waist and, hugging her to his side, they left the airport. Manuel grinned when he saw them, and with a flourish opened the rear door of the car.

Liza suddenly stopped dead on the pavement. ‘Wait, Nick.’

‘Changed your mind again?’ Nick closed his eyes for a moment. ‘I don’t believe it.’

‘No.’ Liza smiled and slid into the back seat. ‘I forgot—you must call your mother; she will be worried sick.’

He called on his mobile from the car, and thirty minutes later Liza was standing in the hall of his Malaga home.

‘It’s beautiful, Nick.’ High ceilings, the floor a marble mosaic, and the central staircase white marble. She glanced at him; he had removed his jacket when they got in the car, and his white tailored shirt fitted snugly across his broad shoulders, contrasting with his tanned sculptured features.

Nick stepped in front of her. ‘My beautiful Liza.’ And he lifted a hand to brush gentle fingers across her cheek. ‘Are you going to make me wait again?’

‘Well, maybe,’ she said, a bubble of laughter emerging from her throat at the brief appalled expression on his handsome face. ‘Until you find a bed.’

‘Witch.’ His eyes gleamed with humour and a deep sensual passion as he lifted her in his arms and carried her up the grand staircase.

She put one arm around his neck and with her other hand set her fingers to work on the buttons of his shirt. By the time he shouldered the bedroom door open, and finally placed her back on her feet by the side of a large bed, his shirt was hanging off him.

He stripped off the rest of his clothes, and hers, and they fell onto the bed in a tangle of arms and legs. Nick’s mouth found hers and the kiss was like no other, deep and tender and then very quickly flaming out of control.

‘I can’t wait Liza…it has been too long,’ Nick growled, raising his head, his dark eyes burning into hers as he nudged apart her legs and moved between her thighs.

Liza slid her arms around his neck and clenched her hands in his black hair. ‘Then what’s stopping you?’ she said urgently. Naked flesh on flesh, she burned with a need, an ache that was almost pain.

The hunger, the need seemed to explode as Nick’s mouth met hers, and they were engulfed in a tidal wave of wild primitive passion. Nick’s hands and mouth were all over her body, caressing her heated flesh in a frenzy of possessive need, as if he would devour her whole. Liza heard her own wild moans even as she gloried in the husky growls she drew from him with her own frantic caresses of his magnificent body.

‘Liza.’ Nick rasped her name and her ecstatic cry mingled with his as she met and matched the driving rhythm of his incredible body, totally possessed. They climaxed as one in seismic convulsions savage in intensity that left them spent and shuddering uncontrollably in each other’s arms.

For a long moment the only sound was the tortured breathing of two sated bodies. Eventually Nick rolled onto his back and, curving an arm around Liza’s shoulders, pulled her close and leaned over her. ‘I needed that; I needed you.’ His smile was slightly uncertain. ‘Are you all right?’

Liza smiled radiantly back. ‘Never better.’ She saw the familiar confidence return to his slumberous black eyes.

‘I was amazed when I saw you at the airport,’ Nick offered softly. ‘But I’m glad you came.’ He brushed his hand through the strands of blonde hair falling over her face, stroking them out against the pillow. ‘I dreamt of your hair on my pillow again,’ he murmured throatily. ‘You drive me crazy, Liza. I just have to see you to want you. You’re so exquisite.’ He glanced down at the languorous curve of her naked body, then back again, his dark eyes serious as they caught and held hers.

‘I love you. I love everything about you—from your incredible hair to your sexy body.’ Rubbing his chin, he added,

‘Even your left hook I decided was better than no contact at all in the two long months we’ve been apart. How desperate is that?’ he joked.

Tags: Jacqueline Baird Billionaire Romance