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“Hi,” she said softly.

“Get over here.” I could see by her face that she was trying to mask how she felt about whatever she’d heard of our conversation.

I pulled her against my chest and then she softly said, “If anyone can fix me, it’s you. But if you don’t want the job, I won’t hold it against you. I really won’t. I don’t want to be a ball and chain for you.”

“Baby, I’m sorry you heard that. I already told you I was all in. I am. I wanna be. I just wanna do right by you. I feel like a heel for getting involved with you in a way that may make you later think I took advantage. You gotta see it my way. I was absolutely not going to go there with you because I didn’t wanna be like my old man. But you and me, we have something. I want this. I just want to do this right. I’m doing things blind here, baby.”

“I was always a submissive, Dare. Always. Always liked it rough and I don’t think that’ll change.”

“Okay, baby. It’s premature to talk about this but you might be different, want something different when you’re past the trauma. And if you don’t ever wanna be submissive again, it’s not a deal breaker for me. Okay? We’ll just take things a day at a time. I don’t want you thinkin’ you’ve got to be something specific to keep me happy. This relationship has two people in it. We will find our way together.”

“And I don’t want to make you be something you’re not just because I’m so broken. It’s good to know that you like it, though. I know a Dom when I see one and it comes natural to you. That makes me feel a little better about things. Please don’t feel guilty for dominating me. It’s what I want. It’s what I need.”

“Things are beautiful between us in the bedroom, Angel. I just wanna keep it that way. I don’t generally share details of my sex life, you should know, but Tommy and I, we’re close. He used to frequent the BDSM club scene and he’s been around the slave trade more than me; my experience is limited to picking you up at Kruna. He’s the closest to an authority on the subject I’ve got and he has insight here. And having advice from Lisa, too, hopefully I can help you.”

“Dare, it’s fine that you talk to others about it. It doesn’t bother me.”

Yeah, probably because she isn’t used to having any privacy where sex is concerned.

“You wanna head home?”

“Yeah, if it’s okay. They’re about to play Pictionary, I was sent to get you two for it, and I kind of feel like that’s too extroverted for me right now…”

“Yeah, uh… no to Pictionary. It’s highly competitive in my family on any day but when that fuckin’ game comes out, the gloves come off and the Ferrano genes bleed through. My sisters are serious about their Pictionary. Serious as a heart attack.”

She chuckled.

“I like them. I like all of them.”

“Good.” I smiled at her and put my arm around her and led her back inside so we could say bye, “They like you, too. Let’s get them to wrap up some of that cake for later.”


My heart sank when I heard him talk about me being broken. I didn’t wanna be broken. I wanted to be whole. I wanted to be the girl he wanted in the bull riding video.

How did he know it took them 19 days to break me? I was shocked at hearing that it was only 3-4 days for the average Kruna slave. I felt broken on day 2 but evidently the breaking crew didn’t agree. I wondered what else Dare knew.

When we got back to his apartment I followed him into the bedroom.

“I want you to take a shower and then wait for me, in bed. Spread wide for me,” he said without looking at me and then he left the room.

I swallowed hard, feeling liquid with arousal, and did exactly what I was told.

After I got into the bed he returned to the bedroom and went to the bathroom and took a shower and then he walked in, naked, and very ready for me. My eyes traveled the length of him. His gorgeous blond hair was wet and messy. He had some scruff on his face and it was rugged and handsome. His defined chest, arms, and abs were the epitome of beauty. The sexy v that led to his cock belonged on the cover of romance novels. His cock was big, hard, beautiful. His legs were muscular. His whole body was this tanned olive tone. From what he’d said, he was three quarters Italian, a quarter Icelandic and I’d give him a total of 100% Adonis.

He climbed on top of me and hovered over me, “Were you a good girl tonight?”

“I tried to be, Master.”

“I think you were a very good girl tonight,” he said and touched my lips softly with his, “I was very proud of you tonight, my Angel.”

“Thank you, Dare.”

“Now I want you to show me you’re a good girl some more.”

“I would love to, Master.”

“I want you to suck my cock while I suck your clit, baby. Open wider.” He rolled off to the side and turned around and then he was hovering over me with his cock in my face and his face buried between my legs. I opened wide and he slid in as far as he could. I didn’t gag. I squeezed my thumbs inside my fists, which was a trick I’d learned long ago, before Kruna, even. Whether it really turned off the gag reflex or was mind over matter, I didn’t know, but it worked. He groaned and dipped his tongue between my folds and then sucked hard

Tags: D.D. Prince The Dominator Erotic