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Almost as soon as I was in the door Luc gave me her fussing infant son so she could check dinner and the gorgeous chubby baby boy stopped fussing instantly and was all gummy smiles and cooing. Her two girls were all over me, too. Kids flock to me like flies to horse poop; it’s always been that way.

The place was a bit of a madhouse. Luc and Tessa and Eddy and Sarah in the kitchen bickering. Not really fighting but arguing over who gets to do what, who does what better, the right way to grate the parmesan, the right way to slice the bread.

Tessa’s boys were on the floor like total angels doing a large wooden alphabet puzzle together and Luc’s girls were all over me talking a mile a minute.

Dare came in from talking to Tommy’s wife Tia by the front door (Tia is a knockout but she has a sweet demeanor about her. She puts me at ease completely, despite the fact that I can tell she knows the truth about me. It’s obvious in the way she smiled at me. But it’s like she’s not judging me. And I know that she can kind of relate to my and Dare’s unusual situation in a way.) And then Dare looked at me with the b

aby in my arms and got this sexy and intense expression. Wow… if a look could get you pregnant I’d be pregnant with quintuplets right now. Boom! Pregnant. I’ve got goosebumps all over me.

And Dare’s brother Tommy is there. He said Hi to me and kissed my cheek when we first got in. He is really tall, dark, and looks a bit like Dare in the facial features but has light brown eyes and light brown hair. After Dare and Tia came into the room Tommy pulled Tia into his lap on the sofa and started whispering quietly to her, making her smile and blush. By the way he’s touching her and talking to her, I’m getting a little bit damp in the panties.

Dare’s brother is hot. Like hot hot hot. Oh my. I can tell by just looking at him and seeing how he and his wife act toward one another that he’s 100% Dom. Phew. Is it hot in here?

He looks at her the way James Deen looks at the women he’s fucking in his porn movies. Such intensity. James Deen isn’t all that much to look at, pretty average really, but the way he fucks? Holy moly. I bet Tommy fucks like that. Okay, I need to stop thinking about Dare’s brother and his wife fucking. I shifted in my seat.

Another couple came in. He is a mountain of a man, a bald biker type with a reddish beard and she’s a tall brunette with a killer body and a great sense of style. They’re introduced to me as Nino and Bianca. Bianca and Tia embraced and then I stood, still holding the baby, shook hands with Bianca, and then her husband kissed me on the forehead and gave Dare a high five, glancing at me with approval. Bianca rolled her eyes but smiled good-naturedly. They have a little boy, maybe in first or second grade. He smiled at me, gave me a hug around the legs, told me his name was Joey, and then he dashed to the kids playing on the floor. Luc’s girls rushed to him, fawning over him.

Then Eddy called out “Dinner is served”, from the kitchen and we made our way to a big eat-in kitchen with a huge table for the adults and a small table set up for the kids.

It’s a big and open-plan new house and it’s a not just a house, it’s a home. There are kindergarten paintings on the refrigerator and in frames hanging on the walls, there is a colorful kids’ table with the two girls and the three boys and the baby was put into a swing. We all sat down and Eddy said grace over the meal. The meal ensued with laughing and joking and shenanigans, and there was almost a food fight between Luc and Tessa who giggled uncontrollably about something I missed with Sarah holding Tessa back from dumping a dish of parmesan cheese all over Luc.

It’s the kind of mealtime that reminds me of when I was a kid, back with my Dad. It was just us two but he had a farm and there were always farm workers there so more often than not there’d be a lot of people every night at dinner with us. Dad cooked on the grill as much as possible and we’d almost always finish dinner with campfires with guitar-playing or stories by the fire. My childhood was filled with hayrides and barn dances and playing outside and it was bliss. I had a pretty blissful life before my Dad died. His best friend Charlie and his wife Betsy wanted to take me in. They couldn’t have kids of their own and were crazy about me and the feeling was mutual. They stayed at Dad’s farm when I went to Alaska to look after it for me. Dad should’ve made them my guardians. Because he didn’t plan well enough for his death, being he was just in his 30’s at the time, I had to go to Alaska and be with my mother, who got Dad’s life insurance policy. Mom blew through the money from Dad’s insurance in no time, complaining about the money she had to shell out for his final expenses as well as my plane fare. The only thing that made Alaska bearable was Holly, my half sister. I hardly knew Mom before I was sent to live with her. She didn’t seem to want to know me and couldn’t be bothered much with my little sister, either, so I took care of us while she partied and went through men the way most women went through clean underwear.

We didn’t even eat dinner together at Mom’s house because it was always a ‘fend for yourself’ kind of thing and not long after I arrived the food got sparser and sparser until I was old enough to get a job and then most of my earnings went into the pantry. Then at Kruna meal time alone was uneventful and quiet most of the time and when you were entertaining it consisted of sitting at someone’s feet, waiting to get scraps from their fingers or you’d have to perform sex acts in order to get fed a bite of food and at times, it was disgusting. The night I ate from Dare’s fingers, though? Not disgusting. It felt erotic to me. Him feeding me, providing for my needs. It was something that I now ached for. I ached for Dare to be my Master, to keep looking after me, to cherish me.

The farm was a provision that Dad did manage to make and it was to be given to me when I turned 21. I had planned to claim it after my Thailand adventure as I was turning 21 in Thailand and had planned to do the teaching gig for a year. Holly talked about moving down after she graduated high school but obviously none of that had happened. I wondered if the farm was still being looked after by Betsy and Charlie, who were happy to look after the place until I was of age. I’d emailed them before leaving for my teaching job and they told me it was all in good hands. I wondered if they had tried to find me after all this time.

“Hey? You look a million miles away,” Dare whispered into my ear.

“Sorry. I was. I’m okay.”

“Gone to a good place?”

“Yes. A very good place. Dinner was good.” I hadn’t let myself think about my Dad much but being here around a real family, it sort of made me feel like it was okay to think back.

“Yeah, I’m stuffed,” he said, putting his hand on his stomach. I reached over and rubbed his belly. He smiled at me and tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear. His smile told me he was pleased with me.

“Dessert is coming,” Luc announced. She and Sarah went to the kitchen to get it.

“Need help?” Tia asked.

“Nope, stay there. We’ve got this under control,” Sarah called back.

“Welcome home Tommy and Tia!” Luc called out bringing out a massive white cake. It was huge and it had been painted with icing in the image of Tommy and Tia holding one another, Tia in an off-the-shoulder ruffled wedding dress, Tommy dressed in a white tux. They both looked gorgeous and in love.

“That’s beautiful,” I said to Dare.

Sarah said, “And I have gifts for them.” She thrust a silver bag at Tia with white handles and purple tissue paper sticking out of it. Oh no. That bag again.

I felt Dare’s hand land on my leg and his fingertips dug in almost painfully, “Keep your cool,” he said into my ear and his other palm landed softly on the back of my neck, massaging, fingering my collar.

I took a few slow breaths while Tia dug into the bag. That jewelry store really needed to change their signature wrap for the sake of my sanity.

Inside was a silver baby rattle and it was engraved with the name Ferrano.

Tia rolled her eyes and put it on the table. Sarah beamed at her. Then Sarah handed Tommy a gift bag that was black with red handles and red tissue paper sticking out.

Tags: D.D. Prince The Dominator Erotic