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“I don’t know your names,” I said in lieu of slamming tequila. My eyes flickered to the blonde head, still bent over the man on my sofa.

“Mine is Freya,” I offered.

“Freya,” hazelnut eyes said as he considered me. “Suits you.”

A blush heated my cheeks at the tenor of his voice. Pure sex.

“Swiss,” he said after glancing between me and the bleeding man for a beat longer, eyes finally focusing back on me, sparkling with amusement.

“Elden,” grunted the man sitting on the armchair who, upon closer inspection, looked like Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Everyone was partial to either Sam or Dean on Supernatural. And yeah, I wouldn’t kick either of them out of bed although I was firmly on John Winchester’s team.

So in other words, I was attracted to all three very different looking, very dangerous men in this room, and I officially needed to get laid so I didn’t ogle at strange men in my living room who meant nothing but trouble.

Three different kinds of it.

“And the pussy who couldn’t even stitch up his own stab wound, who was stupid enough to let himself get stabbed in the first place is Hades,” Swiss continued.

“Hades?” I repeated, blinking at the man still glaring at me from my sofa in that bone-chilling way.

Swiss nodded. “Hotter than Hades, if you’re into that kind of thing. Deadlier than the devil himself if you’re not.” He winked.

He sounded like he was joking, but the way Hades’s glare promised that he was really fucking deadly told me Swiss’s description was spot on. And I was into that kind of thing, big time.

“How in the fuck did you lift him?” Swiss asked, eyes flickering up and down my body in a way that was not at all sexual. It was more communicating my size—or lack of it—and Hades’s considerable weight.

I shrugged. “I do Pilates.”

His eyes bugged out. “Pilates? No shit.” He paused thoughtfully. “Maybe I should get into Pilates.”

My mind wandered off, creating images of this man doing Pilates of all things. Naked.

“Okay, I’m done,” Sarah proclaimed, standing and snapping off her latex gloves.

I smiled thankfully at her for breaking my thoughts of all of these men doing naked Pilates. Then them doing naked things to me. At the same time.

“You did good,” she added softly.

“Thank you,” I said sincerely.

“Alright, we’d better get you home to bed so you can get a good night’s rest tomorrow. We’re exacting vengeance in the morning,” Swiss said cheerfully, helping Hades off the couch.


I watched the man shrug off Swiss, eyes still on me. They were no warmer than before.

“I can stay, though,” Swiss continued. “If you’re shaken up from tonight? I know I don’t look like it, but I can rustle up a pretty good cheeseboard.”

Although I didn’t think it was possible, Hades’s glare turned even more glacial. Even though the other two men were tall, muscled and pretty damn imposing, Hades looked like he could take them both on, stab wound and all.

I swallowed. “No,” I replied quickly, looking from Swiss to Hades, then to Elden who still hadn’t said a word but was watching the whole exchange intently.

“No,” I repeated. “I’ve got Sirius.” I pointed to the dog who was currently pressed up against Hades’s leg, looking longingly up at the man who was currently staring daggers at the owner he was supposed to protect.

I was sure a murderer could waltz right in without so much as a growl from my dog as long as he scratched him behind his ears.

“I’m just glad you’re okay ... Hades,” I said tentatively, barely able to look the man in the eye.

His gaze didn’t soften, not even a bit. Nor did he answer, he just nodded once, almost violently. I hadn’t thought a gesture as benign as a nod could be violent, but Hades proved me wrong.

The nod, I surmised, was serving as a thank you for all that I’d done tonight since alpha male, biker badasses didn’t seem to be able to verbalize things like thank yous. Though other alpha male, badass bikers could discuss cheeseboards, apparently.

Swiss tipped an imaginary hat. “Thanks for your services, darlin’. The club will be in touch for a more ... official thank you.” He winked. “Sure I’ll be seein’ you around since I happen to be Fate’s best customer. And now you’re a friend of the club, so we’d obviously love for tonight’s festivities to stay between friends.” His tone was still light, friendly, playful. But something else lingered underneath it.

A threat.

My stomach dipped and all attraction to these men was suddenly doused. I nodded once.

Then they left.

I locked the door behind them, pressing my back against the door while hoping that I never saw them again.

Chapter Two

Life returned to normal after Hades was stitched up on my sofa.


Though I’d managed to get his blood out of the cushion and off my sofa—thanks to some hydrogen peroxide and ammonia—I was not able to rid my home of his presence. Of course, having a member of a deadly motorcycle gang bleeding in your living room was not something you just forgot. Then his other two ... friends? Brothers? Comrades? Demigods?

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic