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“Waken, help.” Harlow lifts her cone that’s dripping down her hand. I lean forward to pull the wad of napkins I shoved in there, but Laken has it under control. She reaches down into her purse and pulls out a small pack of baby wipes. She has one out, and Harlow cleaned up in no time. She even managed to hold onto her own cone and lick Harlow’s down to catch all the melted parts so it will no longer drip.

My cock swells as I watch her tongue dart out and catch the melted dessert. Harlow and Hayden giggle as she makes funny faces at them. She’s incredible with them, and they adore her. This moment just makes me love her even more. It also makes me happy that I told the girls about us. I couldn’t hide this anymore.

“Baby wipes?” I ask with a raised brow once she has Harlow and Hayden both cleaned up.

She shrugs. “It’s what Leni does with Trace. I just thought I’d grab some for my purse just in case.”

“Thank you for taking such good care of us.”

“Well, look who we have here.” I turn to see Christine and Marty standing before us.

“Nana!” Hayden cheers.

“Pap!” Harlow echoes.

“That looks yummy,” she tells them.

“It’s so yummy. Waken had to help us,” Harlow tells her.

I’m on high alert. I’m not sure how my late wife’s parents are going to take the four of us together. I know they read the MC Scoop, but neither has mentioned Laken to me. I won’t let them hurt her.

“That was very nice of her,” Christine says. “Laken, how are you?” she says politely.

“I’m well. You?” Laken asks.

“Oh, we were just out enjoying this nice weather when we saw the four of you. We wanted to stop and say hello.”

“Are you girls ready for our sleepover?” Marty asks the girls.

“Can Waken come?” Hayden asks.

“Yeah, we wike sweepovers wif Waken,” Harlow agrees.

I look over at my girl and see her face almost as red as that gorgeous hair on her head, and me, well, I’m smirking. I can’t help it. I’m happy. She makes me happy. She makes my girls happy.

Christine winks at Laken. “How about we let Laken stay with Daddy? He might get lonely while you’re gone.”

Harlow turns to Laken. “Waken, you stay wif daddy, okay?” she asks.

Anyone watching can see the moment when Laken relaxes. She pulls Harlow into a hug. “I promise, sweet girl,” she says softly.

“Hey, I want a Waken hug. Dems da bestest.” Hayden slides off the bench and hugs Laken, dripping ice cream on her leg. “Oh, no!” Hayden covers her mouth.

“Hey, it’s a little ice cream. No big deal.” Laken grabs the wipes from her purse and quickly cleans up her leg. “Are you ladies finished?” she asks my girls. It’s almost as if she’s forgotten that Holly’s parents are standing there. She’s only worried about my daughters and what they need.

The girls nod. Laken takes their cones and tosses them in the trash can beside her. She then takes out more wipes and cleans them up. The three of them are laughing and chatting in their own little world.

It takes extreme effort, but I pull my eyes from the three of them to look at Marty and Christine. Marty gives me a nod as he swallows hard, and Christine, well, she has tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. That’s enough for me to know that they approve. Not that I need their approval, but I know that it’s going to make my life with Laken a hell of a lot easier if I have it.

I know I should have called them, but if I’m being honest, I didn’t want to know what they thought. I didn’t want to know if they disapproved, because I’m happy. I didn’t want to allow anyone or anything to interfere with that.

“Laken, can you keep an eye on them for a minute?” I ask, nodding to the girls.

“Of course.” She turns her attention to my daughters. “Why don’t we go play on the swings?” She lifts her purse to her shoulder and takes each of my girls by the hand and leads them to the swings.

“I’m sorry,” I say, as soon as they’re out of earshot. “I should have told you about Laken and me, I just… I didn’t want to hurt you, and I didn’t want you to tell me you didn’t approve of her.”

“Gray,” Marty says, his voice gruff. “Son, that’s not for us to decide. Unless those babies are in danger, it’s your decision.”

“Laken is a sweet woman. She’s so good with the girls.” Christine smiles sadly. “She’s good for them.”

“She really is.” I glance over to where she’s pushing them on the swings. Both of the girls’ laughter greets my ears, and all three of them are wearing huge smiles. “She’s good for all three of us.”

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Romance