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“It’s locked,” I tell Grayson over my shoulder. “You just need to pull it shut. I have my keys.” When I reach the truck, I open the back door and help the girls inside. I’m impressed with the way they scurry to their seats and buckle themselves in. Closing the door, I turn to find Grayson standing with his hands shoved in his pockets, watching me.

“Is this okay?”

“What? Pizza? Of course. Who doesn’t love pizza?”

“Well, that, but what I meant was dinner with the girls.”

“Yes. Gray, we’ve talked about this. I’m ready for whatever you are.”

“I’m ready.” His eyes bore into mine. “I want to tell them about us tonight at dinner. I feel as though I know you just as well, if not better than I know myself. All of our talks, and then last night.” He grins. “I want you, Laken. I want to hold your hand and take you to dinner with my daughters. I want them to know that you’re important to me. I want you to spend the night with me. I want to hold you in my arms. I don’t want a repeat of last night. I don’t want you sneaking out the door like a thief in the night because we’re afraid my daughters might wake up and question why you’re there. I want them to know you’re important to me.”

“I’ll follow your lead. You don’t have to do this for me.”

“I do have to do this. This is what will make me happy. I know you. I know you won’t hurt them. I know you won’t hurt me.” He takes a step toward me. “You are what I want, Laken. I want my daughters to know you are special to me. Special to them. I can see it in your eyes when you’re with them. They’re important to you too. That means something.” He takes another step closer and links his pinky around mine. “You mean something.”

I give him a watery smile, which is all that I can manage, aside from a nod. His reply is to nod and wink. He places his hand on the small of my back and leads me to the passenger side of his truck. As soon as I’m inside, the girls begin talking a mile a minute about their day.

“And then Pap tooted!” Hayden giggles.

I glance over at Grayson, and he grins and shrugs. “Girls, I’m not sure Pap would appreciate you telling Laken that story.” Grayson tries to remain serious, but he’s forgetting that I can glance over and see the smile on his face.

“Oh, Daddy,” Harlow chimes in. “It was so so funny. Nana waughed too.”

I can tell Grayson is trying really hard not to laugh, so I veer the conversation to another subject. “What toppings do you like on your pizza?” I ask the girls.

“I wike pepperoni,” Hayden announces.

“I wike dem too,” Harlow agrees.

“Really? I like pepperoni too.”

“Daddy! Waken wikes our pizza,” Harlow says excitedly.

“I heard that.” He glances in the rearview mirror before returning his gaze back to the road.

“Billings?” I ask when he turns to head out of town. I was wondering why we didn’t just walk to Sauce it Up.

“The girls like the games at the place in Billings. Besides, I don’t want to spend all night talking to the people in our town when all I want to do is spend time with my girls.” He glances over and winks, and I know I’m included in that statement.

The rest of the drive to Billings is the girls telling us stories and having a concert in the back seat as they sing along to the radio. They’re adorable and so much fun. Grayson has done an amazing job with them, and I make a mental note to tell him that. Those little girls are happy, and that’s because of the life that he’s given them.

“Waken, you sit by Daddy,” Harlow tells me.

“We’re dis many.” Hayden holds up four fingers. “We sit together,” she adds.

I slide into the booth, and Grayson takes the seat next to me. He places his hand on my thigh, and I try not to let my giddiness show.

“Okay, ladies, I’m thinking pepperoni pizza and breadsticks,” Grayson says, not bothering to look at the menu.

“Yes!” the girls cheer.

“What about you?” he asks, leaning his shoulder into mine.

“Sounds good to me.” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, the waitress appears. Grayson orders our food, with a Dr. Pepper for him and me, and milk in cups with lids for the girls. I take note for the future.

“Waken, you like Pepper like Daddy?” Hayden asks.

I smile at her. “I do.”

“How’d you know her dwink?” Harlow asks.

“Well, Laken is my girlfriend. And that means I know those kinds of things about her.”

I freeze, not sure how the girls are going to take it. I didn’t expect him to blurt it out like that. His thumb begins to trace circles on my thigh, and my body relaxes. I keep my eyes on the girls and their furrowed brows.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Romance