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The girls turn to look at me and take off running. I bend down and scoop them up in my arms. They’re almost too big for me to do this with both of them at the same time. “What are you doing here?”

“We hafta see if the boys wiked the bwonies,” Harlow tells me.

“Hey, Mom,” I say, walking with the girls, one in each arm to greet her.

“Having a good day?” she asks.

“I am. Better now,” I say, kissing each of the twins on the cheek.

“I had to run to the market, and the girls wanted to stop in for a few,” she further explains.

“Daddy, we hafta to have Waken make more bwonies. Hims said dey are all gone,” Hayden announces.

“Laken?” Jacob asks. “I thought the three of you made the brownies?” he asks, a smirk playing on his lips.

“We made dhem wif Waken and Daddy,” Harlow answers.

“Interesting. Does Laken make brownies with Daddy all the time?” Mark, another volunteer, asks.

“Nope,” Hayden replies. She then places her hands on my cheeks and turns my head to face her. “Can Waken come make more bwonies?”

“We’ll see,” I tell her. I don’t want to crush her dreams in front of the guys. There might also be a small part of me that wants Laken to come back over and make brownies as well.

“Girls, we should go and let the guys get back to work. We were just stopping in to say hello.”

“Be good for Nana,” I tell my girls. After a kiss and a hug from both of them, I set them back on their feet, and they immediately go to my mom, each taking one of her hands.

“Laken, huh?” Jacob asks.

“Wait. Hold up. Laken as in One More Chapter? That Laken? The fuck-hot redhead?” Canaan asks.

He knows damn well who we’re talking about. Mason Creek is a small town, and he’s lived here his entire life.

“That’s the one.” Mark smirks.

“Don’t you all have something to do?”

“Yep. And we’re doing it,” Jacob remarks.

“Fine. Mom takes the girls to her bookstore once a week. They’ve grown fond of her. I ran into her at the grocery store, and she had brownies in her cart, and the girls asked to help. You know I’m not about to let them go with her, so she offered to make them at our place, and the girls were so excited, I couldn’t say no.”

“You don’t know how bad I want to give you shit about this.” Canaan grins, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “And I plan to, but first, let me just say this.” He locks his gaze on mine, suddenly serious, and I know whatever it is he has to say is going to hit deep. That’s just how Canaan is. “I can see that this is eating you up inside. Don’t let it. You have to live, Grayson. For you, and for those adorable little girls. They need to see what it means for a man to adore a woman. They need to know not to settle for some douchebag who doesn’t treat them right. Sure, they can see that with how you treat them, but that’s a father’s love. They need to see the right way for a man to love a woman.”

“Damn, C.” Mark whistles.

“He has spoken.”

I run my hands through my hair. I’m frustrated for these feelings for Laken that I can’t explain. Except, if I’m really honest with myself, I know what they are. It’s desire. And if I’m truly honest, it feels damn good to feel something again when it comes to a woman.

“I know I’m a flirt, and I play the field, but you can bet your ass if, and when, a woman comes along who I like well enough to let into my home and bake with my daughters, I’m going to pursue her. Pursue that connection and see where it goes,” Canaan adds.

“And what happens when she breaks their hearts? Huh? What happens when I let her in, and we lose her?” The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them. I see the sympathy on their faces, and I have no doubt they’re all thinking about my late wife.

“What happened to Holly was tragic.” I hear from behind me. Turning to look over my shoulder, I see my best friend, Ryder. “It was an accident, Grayson. You can’t live your life thinking you’re going to lose everyone you get close to. You don’t want your daughters to grow up with that worry in the back of their mind. It’s your job to show them how to live.”

“What is this, tear Grayson apart day?”

“You know that’s not what this is.” Ryder’s tone is scolding.

“We just want to see you happy, Cap,” Jacob adds.

“What are you doing here?” I ask Ryder, ignoring Jacob’s comment. Do they think I don’t miss the feel of a warm body next to mine? That I don’t crave the intimacy? When I’m in bed at night that the memories of my late wife and all that she’s missing doesn’t kill me? All that our daughters are missing? It fucking destroys me.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Romance