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Ethan: I’m about to hop in the shower. My parents just left if you wanna watch movies here tonight?

Her immediate response makes me smile.

Harper: Sure! I’m gonna do the same. I’ll be there in 30.

The thought of her in the shower has my mind going to places it shouldn’t. Like envisioning her naked under the hot stream. As my cock gets hard, I fist it and stroke myself to thoughts of her.

Her curves. Her nipples. Her luscious lips and plump ass.

It’s not supposed to be this way—me falling for my best friend and not doing a damn thing about it.

When we were in high school, we told everyone we were more like siblings than a couple, which was accurate at first. However, gradually over time, that became less true. At some point, the feelings entered my heart and never left. It came at the worst time too since she had just started dating her douchebag ex. I figured it was a crush that’d go away, but it never did.

Now it’s been a decade of unrequited feelings, and the thought of losing her if they aren’t mutual makes me sick to my stomach. And if I never admit them, someone else could swoop in again, and my chance would be gone for good.

So what the fuck do I do?

After I’m done punishing myself, I dry off, then get dressed. Thoughts of telling her still flood my mind. Maybe I can show her instead and see how she reacts? Except cuddling and watching movies on the couch are pretty normal for us. She wouldn’t think it odd if I was close or touching her. But I’ve never kissed her.

Though I’ve fantasized about pinning her against a wall and claiming her mouth more times than I care to admit.

“Ethan!” Harper shouts from the doorway.

“In the kitchen,” I respond.


“Perfect timing. Popcorn’s almost done.” I wrap my arm around her when she gets close and inhale the coconut scent in her wet hair. She’s wearing cotton shorts and one of my old college tees. I look at my gray sweats and T-shirt, chuckling at how comfortable we are around each other.

My phone dings, and when I notice it’s from Knox, I read it just in case it’s about the goats.

Knox: Kane blew me off for Hadleigh. Wanna meet up at the bar?

Knox and Kane might be twins, but they couldn’t be more different. Kane is low-key and grounded, whereas Knox is the wild child. Uncle Jackson has had to bail him out of jail a few times, and most of us have driven him home after a night of too much drinking. Not sure why he’s hell-bent on not growing up, but one thing’s for sure, he knows how to have a good time.

Ethan: Sorry, can’t. Harper just got here. Try Grayson.

Considering he was giving me shit this morning for not hanging out with him tonight, I’m sure he’d be more than willing to party.

Knox: You’re both so damn pussy whipped but getting no pussy. At least come out with me and get some.

I roll my eyes and lock my screen.

“Everything okay?” Harper asks.

“Just fine. Gonna grab some drinks, then we’re set.”

Harper grabs the bag of popcorn and empties it into one of the big bowls. I already melted the extra butter she likes, and she pours it on top before following me to the living room.

“Alright, Cowboy. Whatcha have planned for tonight?” she asks as we settle onto the couch.

“Ladies’ choice.” I grab the remote and hand it to her.

“Hmm…” She browses through the TV shows. “We could catch up on Schitt’s Creek.”

Before I can suggest something else, she clicks it and realizes it’s not the same season we left off on.

“Ethan! Have you been watchin’ this without me?” She glares at me, pinning me with her mesmerizing baby blues.

“Noooo…” I drawl.

“You liar!” She throws popcorn at me. “You’re a cheater!”

Laughing, I hold up my hands to block her shots. “Alright, calm down.”

Harper continues chucking food at me, and in an attempt to stop her, I grab her wrists and hold them above her head as I push her down on the couch.

“Let me go!” she playfully shouts, trying to wiggle free.

My body towers over hers, and she meets my gaze, knowing it’s useless. Pieces of popcorn are all over, and I lower my mouth, grabbing one that fell on her collarbone.

“You gonna be a good girl?” I watch her chest rapidly rise and fall. Her eyes drop to my lips, and I’m suddenly aware of how our bodies are intertwined.

This is it. My chance to make a move and see how she reacts.

My hand releases her wrists, and just as I’m about to grab her face, she digs her fingers into my sides.

“Fuck.” I hate being tickled, and she knows it. “Harper, no.”

“Payback’s a bitch.” She giggles as my body convulses.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Circle B Ranch Erotic