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It was serene, classy, and beautiful.

Just like my bride.

She kicked my shin. I looked at her, surprised by the sharp jab. She glared at me, hissing in my ear.

“Why did you lock me in, eh?”

I was laughing as I pulled her behind a tree. I guess the gig was up. She wiggled indignantly as I reached down to pinch her juicy little ass.

“I just wanted to make sure you were still here in the morning, wife.”

She frowned at me, crossing her arms. Her green eyes sparkled at me the way they did when she was mad. She looked adorable as always.

She also looked dangerous.

My bride had grown up on the wrong side of the tracks in rural Ireland. She’d had to kick ass and take names from the beginning. I knew for a fact, she had a long list of names.

“You have a lot of nerve, husband.”

I bit her neck, running my hand down over her belly.

“You needed your rest, I wanted to make sure you were safe and sound.”

“I love you, Jake.”

I stared at her.

“I know that.”

“And unless you do something truly dastardly, I will never leave you.”

A dull ache started inside my chest and then something burst open.

“Do you hear me, husband? I’m not going anywhere.”

“I hear you, wife,” I said, a smile on my face. I felt lighter. Freer. Hornier than ever before.

I lifted her skirt slowly.

“Jake Delancey, you are wicked!”

She slapped my arms but she was laughing. I grinned at her, loving the husky sound of her voice. Then I lifted her skirt and slipped my finger under the edge of her lace panties.

She gasped as I toyed with her folds.

I smirked.

“Would you like to go upstairs with me, Eleanor?”

She nodded, her eyes closed. Her lips were pink and open as she exhaled deeply. I gave her a quick kiss before I hoisted her up and carried her to the house.

It’s a good thing her dress was long.

It swayed in front of us, covering my massive erection.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


“Jake, please!”

My husband had surprised me. We’d been married less than an hour and he was already full of tricks.

He had tied me to the bed, very carefully of course. He was being extremely gentle as he stimulated every inch of my body with his tongue and hands.

Too gentle.

I squirmed against my bonds, my body crying out for release. I was ready dammit! But he was taking too damn long!

He grinned at me, wagging his finger.

“Jake! We have to get back to the party!”

“Nobody will notice.”

He was making lazy whorls against my pussy with his tongue when I used my most no nonsense voice. It always got his attention. He said I sounded like a sexy schoolteacher.


He lifted his head, but he didn’t stop what he was doing. I fought through the pleasure to keep the stern expression on my face.

“I am ready to come now please.”

He grinned.

“I know, sweetheart.”

He lowered his head again, tugging my clit into his mouth and sucking on it. I let out a squeal of pleasure before refocusing on the task at hand. Getting my husband to make sweet love to me.

Hell, I’d settle for a rough and dirty quickie at this point.


“Hmmm hmmm?”

“I have to pee.”

He lifted his head, looking alarmed.

“That means you have less than ten minutes to fuck me before I piss all over the sheets. If that happens, I assure you I will be sleeping elsewhere. Alone. I don’t care if it is our wedding night.”

He rolled off the bed and yanked his clothes off quicker than a jackrabbit. I leaned my head back and waited.

I didn’t have to wait long.

“Why didn’t you say something, sweetheart?”

I looked up to see my husband’s face above me as he gently slid his cock inside me. I sighed in pleasure. He was a perfect fit, now that I’d gotten used to his size.

Well, mostly used to it. I still felt like a stuffed turkey half the time. But I loved the way he made me feel so small and delicate. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

I smiled at him cheekily.

“I was enjoying myself too much.”

His sharp laugh quickly turned into a moan as I started to circle my hips against him.

That was not going to cut it today.


“Yes love.”

“Pick up the pace.”

He moaned as he thrust harder, doing as I asked. He drove his shaft home and started to ride me deep and fast. I came in less than a minute, screaming like a banshee.

He was right behind me.

When he came, Jake screamed like a banshee too.

Tags: Joanna Blake Romance