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“That must suck.”

I nod. “Mom insists on driving me to all of my medical appointments, so we spend a lot of time together. She’s had to cut back on church and her Scrabble group to fit it all in.”

He says nothing.

“The truth is, I hate putting her out all of the time. I feel like an inconvenience in my own life.”

His gaze is soft and sympathetic. “Anna . . .”

Oh, God. I’m the worst. The absolute ruling queen of negative losers. “And then for fun, I whine at hot guys.”

At this, he immediately perks up. “You think I’m hot?”

“What? No.”

“You said hot. I distinctly heard the word hot.”

“I know, right? Would it kill you to turn the AC on?”

He snorts. “Very funny.”


Despite not having flirted in forever, it would seem I haven’t lost the knack entirely. It’s heartening. There’s also not even one iota of guilt inside me. So there. Not that I’m interested in or looking for more. My life is confusing enough right now. Nor would someone like Leif really be interested in me. I’m okay looking, but he’s on a whole other level. Though the curious glance he gives me strays into titillation.

“You don’t want the AC on, do you?” He raises a brow. “You’d tell me if you did, right?”

“No, I don’t want it on. And yes, I would tell you.” Despite my mother’s belief in suffering in polite silence, I do not like to sweat. My milkmaid complexion turns lobster red and it all goes downhill from there.

“Good,” he says, relaxing back against the wall once more. “I have a feeling this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”

I take a deep breath. “Leif. Thank you. That’s very kind of you. But I don’t need your pity. I—”

“It’s the resting bitch face that does it for me,” he carries on, as if I hadn’t said a word. “And who else is going to teach me all about linen napkins and matching silverware and the various stuff I now apparently require as a new homeowner?”

“Good sir, you mistake me for Martha Stewart on a bad day.”

“Nuh.” He grins. “You’re way hotter.”

Heat rushes into my face. Despite this, it’s kind of impossible not to smile back at him. Not only is he pretty, but happiness is apparently contagious around this man. And that’s exactly what I need right now.

He nods. “There we go. That’s better.”

Oh, God. Am I leading him on? “I’m still legally married, Leif.”

“I said ‘friends,’ Anna. Friends.” He mock scowls, which is also exceptionally attractive. Dammit. “Don’t go getting ahead of yourself.”


Then the doorbell buzzes and he’s jumping to his feet. Our food must be here. Excellent, for I am hungry. I think what I came looking for here tonight was a life. A future or a way forward at least. And a new friend is a definite step in the right direction.

Except when he opens the door, shouting echoes down the hallway, and the voice is familiar. Painfully so.

“Where is my wife?” yells Ryan.

My face falls.

Meanwhile, Leif frowns before setting his jaw and striding off down the hall as if to do battle. Oh shit.

No, no, no. This is a disaster. I have to get out there and stop this. How to get down on my own? I roll onto my side, then onto my belly, then wiggle toward the edge of the counter. At long last, my dangling feet touch the ground and I’m a little rumpled but good to go.

I walk as fast as my feet will take me out the door, down the hallway, and out to the front of the building. Where a furious Ryan is facing off with a determined Leif, while a tall and also tattooed man watches on. There are no words for the pain of seeing my estranged husband. For having my current shitty reality hit home yet again. No wonder I avoid him whenever possible. It just hurts too much.

How the hell Ryan found me is answered by the cell in his hand. The phone tracker app. I’d completely forgotten about it. Back when our marriage was hale and hearty, it was useful to know where the other was. How far from home, or how close to the store. We both agreed to it and it was fine. But for him to be using it now, in this situation, makes my blood boil. Guess he rang the buzzer for a few different condos and that’s why the other guy is out here. What a farce.

“I told you to stay away from her.” Ryan jabs a finger into Leif’s chest and oh my God. They’ve met before. That’s why Leif stopped visiting me at the hospital. Ryan either got jealous or control freakish or a mean combination of both and warned him off. Holy cow. Never before has he behaved like this. At least, not that I’d ever seen. Like a bully. Like a spoiled child determined to get his way.

Tags: Kylie Scott Romance