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Enclosed is $10.00 to reduce my Balance Due; the remainder, I realize, is enough to warrant your assessing me with an extra service charge. I will responsibly assume this charge, but I sincerely hope that you recognize the seriousness of my intentions to settle this balance, and that you will not discontinue my service.

Speaking for that service, I will say, in all sincerity, that Iowa-Illinois has provided the best electricity my wife and I have ever known. Seriously, we once lived in a part of the world where the lights were always going out.

We've also appreciated your policy of giving small children lollipops, if accompanied by their parents, at your downtown office and appliance center.


Fred Trumper

Fred Trumper

918 Iowa Ave.

Iowa City, Iowa

Oct. 3, 1969

Northwestern Bell Telephone Co.

302 South Linn St

Iowa City, Iowa

Dear Sirs:

In regard to my present Balance Due of $35.17: I will not pay one penny of this until you delete from my bill the sum of $16.75, and the corresponding tax - for a call I never made to Georgetown, Maine. I don't know anybody in Georgetown, Maine, and to my knowledge no one in Georgetown, Maine, knows me. This has happened before, if you remember, on a previous bill. I was charged for talking one hour and forty-five minutes to Vienna, Austria - which you finally acknowledged was an error, a foul-up involving the other half of my two-party line. About the other half of my two-party line, I could write you another letter, but your previous explanation of 'Oversea Cable Operator Confusion' is not especially satisfying. In any case, it should not be my responsibility to tell you what I owe you.


Fred Trumper

(tel. 338-1536)

Fred Trumper

918 Iowa Ave.

Iowa City, Iowa

Oct. 3, 1969

Mr Milo Kubik

Peoples Market

660 Dodge St.

Iowa City, Iowa

Dear Mr Kubik:

Your meats are a taste of the big city, a breath of the best kitchen wind! You're the only place in Iowa City for a decent kidney, tongue, blood sausage and a good heart. And all the little foreign jars, the exotic little tins of food in translation! We are especially fond of the Ragout of Wild Boar in Medoc Sauce. My wife and I, Mr Kubik, can make a meal of your hors d'oeuvre counter.

I hope you'll forgive us for over-indulging ourselves with your quality items this month. I am able to make this $10.00 deposit (enclosed) but the remaining balance of $23.90 I will have to leave outstanding for just a short time.

Next month we will more carefully budget ourselves against your fine temptations, you can rest assured.


Tags: John Irving Fiction