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“Get down on my cock,” he instructed. He hadn’t meant to sound so terse, but he could tell by her small whimpers and tense muscles she was uncomfortable from her interrupted climax. He held up his cock while Katie placed her hands on his knees, bracing herself. He found her slit and arrowed his penis into her.

He groaned in pleasure at the sensation of being enfolded by her tight heat. She whined and pumped her hips, wild to seat him in her. Her frantic need and actions were so arousing that Rill popped her bottom with his palm. He pulled her down on him until her bottom smacked against his pelvis and lower belly.

“It’s okay, Katie. Hold still,” he ordered. She sat in his lap, his cock skewering her, and wiggled and moaned. A drop of sweat rolled between his ribs and down his belly, he restrained himself so greatly. He reached around her and massaged her clit briskly. “Go on, baby. Come for me.”

He felt her shudder. Her scream sounded like it’d been waiting in her throat and leapt out at his touch. He cursed under his breath when he felt a rush of heat around his cock and the tiny convulsions of her vaginal walls squeezing him. He bit his lower lip as he continued to stimulate her, this time until her spasms waned.

She sat in his lap, her back to him, her head forward, panting heavily. He removed his finger from her clit and ran his hand beneath her hair, stroking her back.

“Okay?” he asked hoarsely.

She caught her breath and nodded, moving her curls over his knuckles.

“Good, because I want you to fuck me now.”

He saw her head come up at his words.

“Go on, Katie. It’s not going to take much,” he assured her in a choked voice.

She firmed her hands on his knees and straightened her thighs, rising over him. He growled between a clamped jaw. He gripped her hips and jerked her back along the shaft of his cock. As soon as her ass smacked back into his lap, she was straightening again, and he was yanking her right back where he wanted her. The friction was optimal. Delicious. He went a little berserk in those taut moments as Katie’s bottom bounced in his lap and her pussy rode his cock until he was seeing double.

He’d been amazed by her strength many times before, and he had good reason to think it again as she fucked him for all she was worth. The clear, tinkling sound of the bells on her ankle rang in his ears, seeming to add to the franticness of their mating. In some distant part of his brain he guessed what a workout it was for her, the way she was flexing and straightening like she was doing squats at the gym at some unholy rate. He should have let her slow down, but he was too greedy.

“My thighs are burning so bad,” she moaned at some point during the frenzy.

“I’m at the vinegar strokes, Katie,” he roared. “Don’t you dare stop now.”

Her ass smacked in his lap two more times. He held her down and wrapped his arms around her ribs. He pressed his face into her back and shut his eyes as he detonated inside her. Pleasure ripped through his consciousness. He lost track of time for a moment as his body shuddered helplessly and wave after wave of orgasm flooded his senses. He held on to Katie like she was a life preserver and he was being tossed and tumbled in a sea of bliss.

He blinked his eyes open dazedly to the sensation of Katie whimpering softly and trying to move in his lap, but he held her against him fast.

“I’m sorry, baby,” he whispered. He burrowed his fingers between creamy labia and played her clit with the ridge of his finger. He helped her shift on his cock, giving her the pressure she required. When she started to come, he moved aside her hair and pressed his face against the skin of her back.

He experienced her shudders of pleasure as though they were his own.

When she quieted, he carefully lifted her off his cock and turned her. The compactness of her body struck him anew, the delicacy of her rib cage, the sublime loveliness of her face. He murmured to her quietly. She put her arms around his neck when he stood. He carried her back to his bedroom and laid her on the bed. She called his name when he turned to go and dispose of the condom.

“I’m sleeping here with you tonight, Rill.”

He paused and glanced back at her. She watched him from beneath heavy eyelids. She still wore the gold sequined bra from her belly-dance costume. Her abdomen moved up and down as she tried to catch her breath. The dim light from the hallway showed him that her pubic hair glistened with moisture. Even though he was completely sated . . . utterly satisfied . . . he knew it wouldn’t be long before he wanted her again. He couldn’t seem to stop this incessant hunger.

“Yeah, you are,” he replied gruffly. “Just don’t plan on sleeping for a while. Okay?”

A small smile flickered across her lips. “Okay, Rill,” she whispered.

Despite what she’d said and the gleam in her green eyes, she was fast asleep by the time he returned to the room. He shut out the hall light and rolled her against him while he pried the sheet and comforter from beneath her body. He crawled over her inert form and lay on his side, pulling her back against his chest. She murmured unintelligibly when he tucked the covers around her and then poked his hand between them. He tossed the golden bra onto the floor a few seconds later. His palm found a bare breast and cradled it.

He lay there, feeling Katie’s even breath beneath his hand, feeling her heartbeat slow. He strangely felt both content and energized at once. The tantalizing vision of Katie’s dance played behind his closed eyelids. The screenplay he’d been working on seemed to call out to him from his computer across the room. He shaped Katie’s breast to his palm softly, planning to get up any second to work for a while.

It surprised him that instead of getting up, he fell into a deep sleep for hours with Katie held fast in his arms.


He scowled the next morning when he opened his eyes to a sunlit room and realized he was alone in the bed. It jarred him. He’d become too quickly accustomed to the feeling of Katie snuggled in the curve of his body like a pea in a pod, not to mention how addicting it was to begin to make love to her countless times during the night. They’d gotten up after it’d turned dark and made a quick meal of rice and Asian-style vegetables, then taken their dinners back to bed.

Rill hadn’t been able to keep his hands off Katie. It surprised him that he’d gotten any of the food into his stomach, he’d been so busy exploring every patch of skin on her body with his fingertips and searching mouth.

“Katie?” he called as he grabbed a pair of jeans and pulled them on. No one answered his call. He found one of her signature pink notes in the kitchen and smiled.

Tags: Bethany Kane, Beth Kery One Night of Passion Erotic