Page 5 of Take Me Slow

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“Right,” she says slowly. She runs her tongue across her plump lips with the promise of something I wish to have. “I was telling you that, I could do that for just for a hun—”

A loud boom of a thunderclap overhead stops her mid-sentence. It’s an ominous warning that comes out so loud she jumps closer to me. Seconds later, it’s pouring heavy raindrops that soak us both through our clothing to the skin.

“Shit,” we swear in unison.

Where did this rain come from? I don’t recall hearing anything about bad weather tonight, but the water is coming down fiercely, and it’s freezing. I can see goosebumps dotting across her arms, and one pert nipple, peeking out from the tight fabric of the dress and pebbling under the water.

“Fuck,” I say with feeling as my mind races to come up with a backup plan. All I can think about is how much I want to kiss the woman standing in front of me while raindrops coat our bodies.

She looks pornographic with her dress matted to her compact frame. I never really thought I had a type before today, but now I’m perfectly aware that my type is wet. I’m going to be jerking off to this mental image for months.

“Tomorrow night,” her beautiful voice says with yet another promise to make this, whatever it is, happen the next night.

A tinge of disappointment travels through me, yet, I say nothing. I’m staring at her, struck speechless. I’m frozen in my spot watching her ass dance as she runs away in that tight red dress.

“Let’s do it at the Day Eight Motel tomorrow so that we won’t get rained out,” she yells over the thunder. “Same time!”

By this time, she’s almost around the corner. I want to run after her, but I’m overtaken by the thought of us being in a room together. With a bed.

Meeting her at Day Eight Motel is going to be a nightmare of a test for my self-control. Only the shock of cold water raining down on me clears my head and stops my thoughts from derailing to all I can do to this beautiful woman with a mattress to spread her out on and a little privacy.

“Are you sure I can’t give you a ride?” I ask, a last-ditch attempt to make this happen tonight.

“No, my car is

parked right over there.” She points to an impressive little red sports car. Whoever has her out here has her out here in style.

“Wait!” I yell.

“Yeah!” She turns to face me, firm breasts being caressed by planes of water.

“What name will it be under?” I ask, stalling.

“Ar-Ari,” she says and smiles.

“I’m Blaze!” I yell as she slides into her car.

She rides off before I jog backward in the direction of where I’d parked my squad car, well out of sight of our meeting location.

“Dang! Glad she didn’t accept the ride, Magic Mike. You would have blown your own cover inviting the girl to your squad car,” I kick myself as I think about Ari who has that numbing effect on me. She definitely has what it takes to make a man forget his purpose in life, and for his mind to create a new purpose of being all he can be…for her. “Ari,” I repeat her name slowly, simply to hear it again. What a beautiful name?

Chapter Four


“Hey Sloane,” I answer my buzzing phone the following night.

“Hey Ari, just checking on you. I was tied up last night and couldn’t come out to back you up. Sorry about that. I hope everything went okay,” he says sounding distraught.

“That’s not like you, man. You’re slipping,” I begin, breaking Sloane’s balls since he’s always busting mine. “Where were you, Sloane? You call me with all of this bitching about me not letting you know when I work. Then, last night when I call you to tell you I’m about to work I don’t get an answer, so who’s slacking now?” I ask, playfully sarcastic.

“Sorry, I couldn’t be out there last night. I was working up an arrest on the Northside, and it was sticky with an officer-involved shooting.”

“Oh yeah? Who’s the officer?”

“Me,” he said in a grave tone, and I could have sworn I heard the faintest sniffle.

“Damn, what happened, Sloane?”

Tags: Shani Greene-Dowdell Romance