Page 14 of Take Me Slow

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Ari bounces up and down on my cock, and the pleasure of her riding builds with every single bounce. Her pussy is raining like water down onto my thighs and soaking the sheets. I am so deep inside of her; it feels like I’ll come out on the other side. I love how she’s able to take all of me, my length going deeper inside with each bounce.

We moan together, groan together, and growl like two animals rutting. Our cries bounce off the walls. At no moment do I feel like a man paying for a service. It feels like this is a connection of lovers, something that’s meant to be, finally.

I lean forward and wrap my arms around her, then roll over landing on top of her. Her soft, pliable skin contours to my body as I lay on top of her. The way I’m about to make love to her is something that should be off limits with any woman I’m not seriously dating, much less someone I’m supposed to arrest, but I kiss her, sliding my tongue into her mouth as I ease back into her slick vagina. Laying directly on her, I kiss every spot I can reach while I take her deeply and slowly.

Her moans never stop coming, and I feel as though I’m going to burst from the sound alone. Ari begins to meet my thrusts, and our bodies collide with passionate force, forcing our genitals to lock together tighter each time.

Now, it’s me calling out her name, as she pulls my ass into her. I wrap my arms around her waist to pound into her deeper. A burning sensation builds in my chest, and a tingle builds in my balls, letting me know this is going to be the best one yet. This climax rages through me, ready to erupt.

“You’re so hot,” I say as my hot seed fills the barrier between us. I mean it, too. She is heated inside and out.

She screams in pleasure, her warm juices coating the latex. Considering how flush Ari’s brown cheeks get when she’s close to coming, how rich the sounds are, spilling from her lips, I don’t understand why the first man that saw her on the streets didn’t make an honest woman out of her already.

“Do you want me to go?” she asks with uncertainty in her voice, as I’m still spinning from the power and beauty of making love to her.

“No. Why would you think that?” I want Ari to never, ever, leave my apartment again. If only I could put her in cuffs for that, or even for other bed-related activities.

“I just thought I’d ask because, I don’t know…” her voice trails off.

“Baby, I want you to stay with me,” I admit. “Besides, you can’t leave because I owe you takeout. You should hang out with me tonight. Spend the night; it’s not like we have to be shy around each other anymore.”

“Uh…,” Ari says, seeming to do some kind of mental calculation before she gives up entirely, shrugging. “Okay. That sounds good.”

I get up and get my cell out of the living room, taking the time to stuff my badge under a pile of mail. When I come back into the bedroom, Ari is already sleeping. I take a moment to gaze upon her beauty. And man is she good-looking while lying in the center of my bed with my brown sheets wrapped around her body.

I place the order for takeout, in case she wakes up hungry. Then, I climb in bed beside her and pull her to me. She fits so perfectly into my grooves that I don’t see why I can’t keep her forever.

“I really should go,” she mumbles before dozing off again.

“Sleep beautiful,” I whisper into her ear. I kiss her shoulder blades and hold her in my arms, cherishing whatever time I have left with her.


An hour later, her eyes flutter open. “What time is it?”

“After eleven. Do you have somewhere to go?” I ask her.

“No, but I should go home.”

“Just stay here, and I’ll get you home early in the morning.”

“Well, I have a little work to do tonight. I really should go. I should already have been there by now,” she admits.

That admission deflates my mood. Seeing her slide out of my bed and into her clothes does something to me, something it should not be doing.

“Do you have to go? Can it wait until tomorrow?” I ask as she walks out of my room with me following behind her closely.

“No, it’s something big I’m working on. I had planned not to work tonight, but I just remembered I have something I need to do,” she says, eyes averted from mine.

“You’ve already worked on something big,” I tease. Though I’m not really in the joking mood, I want her to stay. I don’t want another man to touch what feels like in my heart should be all mine.

“Funny, not funny, Blaze,” she says, poking my naked chest with her finger.

“Keep poking the bear, and I’ll poke back,” I tease. I know for sure I’m a goner now. She’s bringing the silliness out of me.

“I bet you will. That’s why I have to go now,” she says and giggles before her eyes land on the kitchen table. “Oh, you ordered the takeout?”

“It came thirty minutes ago, but you were sleeping so good that I didn’t want to wake you up.”

Tags: Shani Greene-Dowdell Romance