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Only in my fantasies had I dreamt of having someone to love so deeply. He pressed soft, quick kisses, and nibbled on my bottom lip, demanding entrance. And I let him in, and it felt…heavenly.

“Are you really ready for forever?” he asked, and his breath blew against my earlobe sensually.

“Yes. I’m yours,” I submitted, fully and eternally in love with Jeb—the man who overcame the hate planted inside of him and exhibited undying love to me and my children.

I have written an alternate ending to the Safe Place Series that wraps up Jeb and Tameka’s love story but ends in a cliffhanger on what happens next for Bruiser and Alise.

If you would like to receive this alternate ending free, sign up to my newsletter, then email me at [email protected] to request it be emailed to you.

Yes, this is really the end of Jeb and Tameka’s story. But they will return, along with Kemara and Channing, in Bruiser and Alise’s story—

A Dangerous Way to Love

(Coming in November)

*Now Available for preorder on Amazon*

Now, for a few previews of Imperial Publishing House Releases…

Slim and the Lady

By Tonya

Chapter 1

L ast night’s hangover was still evident. His eyes were bloodshot. His lips were crusty and white. A shower would fix it, he thought. He moved as quickly as his pounding headache would let him. Then, he showered and dressed for work.

“I got to stop drinking,” he said as he looked at his haggard reflection in the mirror. It’d been over a year, and it was time to move on.

On his way to work, he stopped by McDonald’s for coffee and a biscuit. He still made it to work with time to spare. As soon as he got into the building, he knew something was wrong. People were speaking in harsh tones and rushing about. There were shocked expressions and dazed people wandering aimlessly.

Downsizing was the word they used. He, along with about three hundred other people in his department, was let go. Slim had expected something like this to happen, so he was prepared. He’d already accepted an offer elsewhere. Today, he was planning to turn in his notice. He smiled because now he had the day off. Brendan “Slim” McNair always landed on his feet.

He didn’t want to go home but didn’t have anywhere to go. Everyone he knew was at work. He decided to go home to clean his apartment and do his laundry. After giving his apartment a thorough cleaning, he loaded every scrap of laundry into his truck. He was determined to make this week count. He planned to finish up the many household projects he’d started. Armed with about forty dollars in quarters, he drove the two miles to the nearest laundromat. As he unloaded his truck, he swore for the umpteenth time that he would invest in a washer and dryer soon.

Arriving before noon on a Monday gave him access to all the washers he needed. He got the clothes loaded and sat down. His stomach growled angrily, reminding him that a breakfast sandwich was all he’d eaten. He looked over at the vending machine and saw an “out of order” sign posted across the glass. He turned around just as a young girl walked in with a young child happily snacking on a bag of chips.

“If you want a snack, the hotel next door has a vending machine right inside the lobby,” she said as she plopped down in a chair.

“Thanks,” Slim said with a nod and headed out the door, lighting up a cigarette as he went.

It only took a few minutes to reach the hotel. Seeing the side entrance, he pulled on the door, but it didn’t budge.

“You have to use your room key,” said a feminine voice behind him.

He turned at the sound of her voice and was unable to move or speak. She was just that beautiful. Unlike the women he usually dated, this woman was obviously more mature. She was well dressed in a burgundy business suit with her hair pulled up into a stylish bun. The lady pulled a key out of her pocket and slid it through the slot. She tapped her nail on the “no smoking” sign before walking in.

Slim grabbed the door and put out the cigarette in the nearby ashtray. By the time he got through the door, she was gone. He walked through the lobby in hopes of finding the lady. After a few minutes, he gave up and went over to the vending machine to grab a few snacks to tide him over until later.

He walked back to the laundromat to find the young mother bopping her head to something on her iPod while her kid ran top speed up and down the aisles. The woman looked up and smiled at him. He noted she was cute. Her braided extensions swung as she moved. She had a pretty face and banging body—a combination that usually spelled trouble. He didn’t need any more trouble.

He walked over to a chair and sat down. He still had a while before his clothes would be ready for the dryer. Slim scanned the magazines left on the table, finding them all boring. He selected a book from the pile of dusty books and began to read. Other people filed into the laundromat bringing the noise level up about seven notches.

He got up and transferred his clothes to the dryer and went to sit back down. About twenty minutes later, the cute girl from earlier sat down across from him and smiled, showing off a gold tooth and dimples. He nodded and went back to his book. He didn’t want anything to do with her, so he turned slightly and started reading again. Obviously, she didn’t understand his body language.

“Hi, my name is Rasheeda,” she said extending her hand.

“Slim,” was all he said and tried to get back into his book. Luckily, her kid needed attention, so she took him into the bathroom.

Tags: Shani Greene-Dowdell Dangerous Bonds Romance