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I nodded slowly, and the waitress came back to the table and handed me my coffee.

“Thank you,” I said.

“Would you like to order something to eat?” she asked.

Channing replied, “I’ll take my usual.”

She jotted some notes down, and I thought about what I wanted to eat. I hadn’t looked at the menu, but Channing had good taste in food.

“I’ll have what he’s having,” I said.

The waitress nodded and went back to her post. I looked at Channing’s scrunched up face.

“Please tell me you didn’t do anything stupid like try to get with Tameka,” Channing scolded.

“Well, I didn’t exactly just try,” I stated before proceeding to tell him what went down at the club last night. I skimmed over the part where we made passionate love for hours, but Channing got the gist of it. By the time I was finished with my story, he looked baffled.

“So she got upset after you guys slept together?” he asked, worry lines stretching across his forehead.

“There wasn’t much sleeping going on, but yeah,” I confirmed.

Channing’s mouth dropped open in shock. “Wow…you sure know how to fuck things up.”

“What are you talking about? This was a mutual thing between us. The connection was strong, and she wanted it as much as I did, then she just flipped on me,” I countered.

“I told you she’s had bad relationships, especially when it comes to her ex-husband. She probably got caught up in the moment then had regrets when she thought about Rodney. Let’s just face it, you have a checkered past with the women.” Channing glared at me with wrinkle lines marring his forehead. The accusatory look on his face caught me off guard.

“She mentioned something about my past with women. Where is she getting this from?” I questioned, now with my own accusations swirling in my mind. “Have you been talking shit about me to Kemara?”

Channing humped his shoulders, but he didn’t deny it.

“Man, don’t be telling Kemara about the old me. That’ll ruin my chances with Tameka, and I really want her. There’s something about her, and I can’t understand it myself. She’s different. I don’t want to hurt her. I only want to protect her.”

Channing kept looking at me as if he didn’t recognize the man sitting across the table. Eventually, he let out a deep sigh. “Tameka barely accepted me into the family. I need to talk to Kemara about this,” he said.

“No! Didn’t I tell you that this is between us? Don’t tell Kemara about us sleeping together. That’ll push Tameka further away because I’m telling things that should just be between us.” I sighed, thinking talking to Channing was a bad idea.

“Well, give her some time. I wouldn’t advise that you bombard her with advances. Knowing Tameka, she won’t bode well with that. Hell, it took her quite some time to just accept me being her future brother in law from a different race. Giving her space might be your best option,” said Channing.

It was a horrible suggestion. Waiting never got me what I wanted out of life. “And if she doesn’t come around?” I asked. “If she doesn’t come to me to talk, then what?”

“All I’m saying is don’t push the walking timebomb that is Tameka. I know it’s your nature to come on a little strong. You two will only butt heads. Trust me on this. She’s Kemara’s sister.”

The food came, and I thanked the waitress and watched her walk away as Channing continued to talk.

“See what I’m saying. Your eyes are still wandering. You’re not ready to settle down with anyone,” Channing accused.

“What…aw no. That lady was just being nice, and I was thinking…”

“Yeah, make sure you’re done looking at waitresses’ asses before you approach Tameka. She’ll see right through the games you’re playing.”

“Touché.” I was busted, but what Channing didn’t know was I looked at the woman to see if I could feel something in my loins when I looked at her. Since I’d sank inside of Tameka’s body early this morning, I hadn’t seen one woman that made my body react.

“In other news…” Channing said. “Kemara and I just booked a weeklong vacation to Aruba. We leave in a few


It was a sight to see my cousin look so smitten. “Wow…that’s big! What’s the occasion?” I asked, taking a bite of the hash browns.

Tags: Shani Greene-Dowdell Dangerous Bonds Romance