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When we reached the den, he took me by the hand and pulled me toward his room. I stopped at his door, which was still open, and fought the urge to peek my head inside, as he walked inside.

He turned toward me and tilted his head, quietly asking me to follow his lead. I swallowed the lump in my throat, and my better judgement told me I should’ve stayed out in the hallway. I followed none of the voices speaking to me. I stepped forward and peered into his bedroom. My mouth hung open when I got a side profile of him standing in just a pair of Budweiser lounge pants that he must’ve changed into when I went up to check on Cody. The cuts of his hard muscles glowed marvelously with the moonlight shinning into the room.

“Tasha,” he called out to me.

“Uh…yeah…” I stuttered.

“You are great with Cody. Thank you.”

“No problem. He just had a bad dream.”

He nodded and moved closer to me. “Not all dreams can be good ones.” He winked, and I knew he was referencing my earlier admission of how I thought kissing him was a dream. Then, he surprised me by caressing my cheek with his hand. The heat from his hand caused me to instinctively close my eyes and relish his touch.

“Matt…” I whispered. “I should go.”

“Why are you still thinking?” was his simple response, before he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a kiss.

I went with it. I didn’t think. I slipped my hand up and massaged the nape of his neck, and his tongue slipped between my opened lips.

“I need this,” he softly stated in response and that’s really all it took for me to give in to the need that also lived deeply within me. I hadn’t slept with a man in over a year, and there Matt was, standing in front of me, sexy as hell, with the same longing for affection—even if his longing for me was temporary. I stepped fully into his room and he closed the door behind us.

As we walked to his bed, he slowly lifted my shirt up and over my head, tossing it to the floor. My bra was still on, so he unlatched the clasp and I slipped out of it. It felt so good to have my breasts brush up against his naked chest.

When we reached his bed, he sat down on the edge and our lips parted. He looked up at me with hunger in those brown eyes as he slowly started to undo my jeans. He held a smirk on his lips and I couldn’t stop staring at those sexy lips. As I kicked out of my jeans, he grabbed onto my panties and pulled them down. I then leaned into him and kissed him, pressing him down to the bed. With our bodies intertwined, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him as he scooted back on the bed, so we were now flesh with the mattress.

I gripped onto his lounge pants and pulled them down, wiggling them down his legs, until they were gone. His large hand cupped the back of my head and we stayed in that position for several minutes, writhing flesh to flesh, getting acquainted with the feel of becoming one. I could feel his cock riding alongside my leg as we melted together. It felt so wrong, yet so right.

“Tasha, I don’t have any condoms,” he said, between heated kisses that alternated between my lips to my shoulder. I spread my legs and his cock rested against my opening.

“I don’t either.”

“Are you on the pill?”

I nodded ‘yes’, and lowered my lips to his chest and started trailing kisses down his chest. I could feel his engorged head touching my flesh, longing for more, craving it, and I couldn’t deprive us of his meeting that felt so natural. I wandered my lips back up his chest, until I sucked in his bottom lip for a kiss. I devoured his sugary sweet kisses, then positioned myself so that I was directly over his erection. I slid my tongue along his, crashing wildly against him as I reached down and grabbed onto his coc

k. I glided him into me, then slipped my hand back up to his arm, sinking down, and fully taking him in.

“God Tasha!” he moaned, thrusting deeper into me. I shifted my body and just relaxed, keeping him buried inside of me as I glided on top of him. His mouth trailed fiery kisses around my lips as we kept the momentum going. My pussy was tingling with a pressure that had been building up inside of me. I could feel the tightness in my stomach muscles clenching as every plunge caused me to whimper and my insides to heat to a burning blaze.

My breathing increased every time we crashed against one another, tossing and turning in his large oversized bed. My hands latched onto him as I dragged my nails down his back. I lifted myself up and broke from the kiss. My body smoothly rode him as I tossed my head back and just focused on the feel of his hands all over me. I looked down at him. His eyes were wide open, gaping at me with his smile curved up in this sensual way. I lifted myself up and lowered myself, letting his dick plunge into me as I let out a scream that was sure to wake Cody. I bit my lower lip and he laughed, wrapping his arm around my back and lowering me back down to him, so that he could smother my moans with fiery kisses that were equally moan-worthy.

My pussy contracted, drawing him in as he expanded inside of me. He was so tense that I knew he wouldn’t be able to contain his need to empty his seed into me, so I grabbed onto his shoulders and made my thrusts even stronger, harder, and fiercer.

“Yes, babe! That a girl,” he growled. My body shook on top of him and I gasped, and I was forced to part from the kiss and just sling my hips harder against him.

“Ahhhhh…” I cried, my spasms shaking the bed until my orgasm wouldn’t slow down.

With one final plunge, he burst through my core and we came together. I fell on top of him, breathing heavily and letting my lips fall to his shoulder. I kissed him softly, too tired to do much of anything else. I then started laughing, which was an obvious surprise to us both. I fell off of him and couldn’t control the giggles.

He leaned up and looked down at me. “Are you alright?” he asked, brushing the hair behind my ear.

I looked at him and nodded, breathing still raspy. “Never been better. That was so hot, I don’t even know how to describe it.”

He chuckled. “Hot is a pretty good word.” He leaned in, kissing me and catching my breath.

I closed my eyes and relaxed in his bed and felt that this was swoon-worthy, like something from the movies. He was right. Hot was definitely a good word to use. I just hoped it wasn’t too hot for us to handle as boss and employee.

Chapter Nine

Tags: Shani Greene-Dowdell Breathless Billionaire Romance