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My life feels so full right now. The four most important people in my world are all packed into a tiny kitchen, and despite the words that are being thrown around, I can feel the love. It’s a feeling I wish I could bottle up and store on a shelf for a rainy day.

Levi brings his cup and sits down next to me. His hand finds my thigh under the table and he rubs it gently several times before settling it above my knee. I look over at him, smiling from behind my mug, and he winks. Luke makes a gagging noise, and I nearly spit my coffee across the table at his childish reaction. But it’s all fun and games—I know he’s happy for me and that he completely approves of Levi.

I feel like life has been flying by at warp speed ever since the day Levi showed up at my chemotherapy treatment. I’ve been working a ton, Levi and I have been volunteering regularly at the Senior Center, and there are some days that I feel like I barely have time to think, let alone remember what I’m going through.

Levi even managed to check another thing off my bucket list. He said he’s not happy about it now that he knows the meaning behind it, but he’s promised to keep working on it anyway.

“Bring a towel,” he whispers into the phone and I smile, wondering who is standing near him that he feels like he has to whisper.

“Why do I need a towel?”

“Why do you have to ask so many damn questions?” he fires back, causing me to laugh.

“Fine, I’ll bring a towel,” I submit, knowing it’ll be easier that way.

“Good girl,” he answers. “I’ll see you in an hour.” Levi shows up fifteen minutes early, and I run out of my front door when I see his truck pull into the driveway. He hops out to open my door for me and swats me on the ass as he hoists me into my seat.

“Where are we going?”

“You have to wait and see,” he says with a smirk, shutting my door and jogging around the front of the truck to climb in the driver’s seat.

Twenty minutes later, we pull up to the old rock quarry where we used to go swimming after football games. “Levi?” He looks over at me, a shit-eating grin splitting his face. “What are we doing here?”

“Don’t you trust me, Laney?” He hops out of the truck and comes around to open my door. When my feet are planted firmly on the ground, he reaches for the bottom of my Henley and pulls it over my head.

“Levi!” I shout, trying to wiggle my shirt back on. “What the heck are you doing?” Frantically, I look around to see if anyone is watching, which is stupid because we are literally in the middle of nowhere.

“Get naked, Laney.” His demanding voice sends shivers up my spine, but I stand tall, determined to fight him on this.

“I will not get naked. It’s freaking cold out here. If you want to have sex, we can do it in your truck.” I cross my arms over my chest, covering up my white bra because I’m certain that my nipple is standing at attention.

“It’s sixty degrees and you’ll be fine . . . a little cold water won’t hurt you.”

“Cold water?” I screech, backing away from him. “You are out of your mind if you think I’m stepping foot in that quarry.”

“Laney Jacobs, you have ten seconds to get naked or—so help me God—I will throw you in that water myself.” He’s not joking. I can tell by the look on his face, but I still jut out my chin and straighten my spine. There is no way I’m dipping any part of my body in there.

“One.” He leans up against his truck and watches me, but I don’t move. “Two.” He cocks an eyebrow, and I fail miserably when I attempt to cock one back. “Three.” I move slowly around the other side of his truck, but he sticks his hand in his pocket and clicks the automatic lock button, thwarting my attempt to seek shelter.

“Shit,” I hiss.

“Four.” Levi walks toward me, stopping when we’re toe to toe. His fingers land on the button of my jeans and he pops it open, then lowers the zipper. “Five.” His blue eyes are smoldering.

“I am not taking my pants off.” My hands disobey my words because I push my jeans over my hips and let them pool on the ground below. Levi’s eyes flash with desire as he takes in my white lace panties. I take several steps backward.

“Six.” He stalks toward me, nudging me toward the water. I kick off my shoes and rip off my socks. “Seven.”

“Damn it, Levi. Stop counting. This isn’t funny.” My feet hit the edge of the water and I squeal at how cold it is. “It’s freezing in there, Levi. You’re nuts if you think—”

“Eight.” He grips the collar of his shirt, lifting it over his head. My eyes land on his toned stomach and my mouth instantly waters. His fingers slide open the button of his pants then lower his zipper before he slips out of his jeans, kicking them to the side. I grumble, but tuck my thumbs into the sides of my panties and shove them down my legs. Levi’s eyes rake hungrily over my nearly naked body and he bites on his lower lip, sucking it into his mouth. I want to suck on that lip.

“Nine,” he growls, sliding his boxers off. His thick cock springs free and I squeeze my thighs together to suppress the growing need that it is settling between my legs. I flick the front clasp of my bra and let it fall to the ground with a quiet thud. When Levi says “ten,” I squeal and take off running in the opposite direction.

“What are you thinking about?” Levi’s hot breath against my ear startles me and I jump, my hand flying to my chest.

“Crap. You scared me.”

“Please tell me you were thinking about the same thing I was,” he whispers, his teeth nipping my earlobe before he pulls back.

Tags: K. L. Grayson A Touch of Fate Romance