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Benny strides up and stands behind Mia. “You don’t have to be there for another couple of hours.” I shrug, smiling at what I’m about to do.

“I’ve got something to take care of first.” Grabbing my purse off the coffee table, I swing it over my shoulder and fling open the door. “See ya!”

“You haven’t even done your hair,” Mia hollers after me, and as I climb into my car, I swear I hear her tell Benny that I’ve lost my mind.

“Laney?” I turn around slowly to find Levi standing behind me. His eyes look like they’re on fire, and I’m trying to gauge if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. I’m hoping it’s good.


“She looks fucking hot, doesn’t she?” Tatum smiles wickedly and props her elbows up on the bar. “I’ve been hittin’ on her all day, but she’s having no part of it.” Today I had to work the lunch shift, which was crazy busy. The restaurant closes at three and then reopens at five for dinner. At the end of my shift, I made a plate of French fries and Toasted Ravioli and joined Tatum at the bar. I’ve been working on my bucket list and stuffing my face with food while she cleans and restocks the bar.

Levi flashes me a knowing smile and—holy mother of God—I think my panties just melted. He’s probably remembering our kiss from the other night and knows exactly why I’m not giving Tatum the time of day—apart from the fact that she’s attracted to women and I’m attracted to men.

“It looks good.” He clarifies by pointing to my hair. “You look different.”

“Different good or different bad?” I decided to go for a tapered stack. I’ve always loved that look on girls—the one where it’s longer in the front and shorter in the back. I was just always too scared to do it.

“That’s a trick question, dude. I’m a woman, I should know. Just tell her it looks hot.” Levi and I both laugh at Tatum, who just shrugs her shoulder and continues restocking the bar.

Levi leans in close so only I can hear. “You look sexy.” He pulls back all too soon when Mason walks into the room. He squeezes in between Levi and me, and I fight the urge to kick him in the shin.

Sitting down, he pops one of my French fries into his mouth. “What are you still doing here? You’re off for the dinner shift.”

I pull my plate from his grabby hands. “I’m just getting to know Tatum.”

“And she’s making her bucket list.” Leaning across the bar, I throw a French fry at Tatum, who is squatting down on the floor.

“Bucket list?” Mason asks.

“Yeah. You know, a list of things you want to do before you die,” I answer mirthlessly.

“Join the mile-high club. That’s what I want to do.” Mason tosses another fry into his mouth and smiles smugly. “And have sex in one of Levi’s cages.”

Tatum’s head pops up over the bar and she’s smiling wickedly. “That’s a great one, Mase. I want to do that. Put that on your list, Laney.”

“No,” Levi snaps. “If anyone has sex in one of my cages, it’s going to be me.” All of our heads turn toward Levi. I can tell by the look on his face that he didn’t mean to blurt that out, but it’s too late . . . it’s out there, and now all I can think about is Levi tying my wrists to the bars of the cage and having his naughty way with me. Tatum snaps her fingers, catching my attention, and when I look at her, she motions for me to close my mouth and wipe the drool off my face. Then she winks and dips back behind the bar.

Mason’s hand pauses mid-air, hovering above my plate, and slowly he turns to Levi. “You mean, you haven’t already done that?” Mason asks incredulously.

“Fuck you,” Levi grumbles. Reaching past Mason, he grabs my notepad.

“Hey!” I try to snatch it back, but he’s too quick and too tall, so I decide to just sit back and let him read it. I’m not ashamed of anything on my list anyway. His eyes roam across the page and when he gets to what must

be the bottom, he looks up at me.

“Got any plans tonight?” I shake my head. “Meet me back here at eight then.” My eyes are locked on Levi’s, and the excitement bubbling up in my throat is making it hard to speak.

“What are we going to do?” I manage, swallowing past the gigantic lump in my throat. Levi holds out my list and I take it from him, wondering what the heck he’s up to.

“We’re going to hang out.” My eyes drift to Mason and then to Tatum, who is now standing and grinning at me like an idiot, and then back to Levi again. “Okay?” he confirms.

“It’s a date,” Mason quips, looking between Levi and me. “You two are going on a date.”

“It’s not a date,” Levi huffs, looking away sheepishly, effectively knocking my anticipation and excitement down a couple of notches.

“Whatever you say, bro.” Mason claps Levi on the shoulder and grabs my now-empty plate. “Whatever you say.”

“IT’S A DATE,” MIA squeals, clapping her hands together.

Tags: K. L. Grayson A Touch of Fate Romance