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“There only are good things. There’s nothing bad to tell.” The words are easy for me to say, but I can tell they aren’t so easy for Levi to hear. His smile falters. Clearing his throat, he turns away from me and watches Tatum as she places Mia’s glass of wine in front of her before handing me my water.

“Why are you drinking water?” he asks. I open my mouth to respond, but Mouthy Mia beats me to the punch.

“I told her I’d pay for her drink, but she’s being stubborn.” She peers around Levi to look at me. “You’re stubborn.” I stick my tongue out at her. Real mature, I know. “They aren’t that expensive,” she mumbles, taking a sip of her wine.

I blanch. There’s no way Levi missed what she said and the curious look in his eyes confirms that. I turn to the bar, determined not to discuss my financial situation. Levi bends down so we’re cheek to cheek.

“What are you drinking?”

“Water,” I answer sarcastically, lifting up my glass.

“Still a smartass, I see,” he says with a hint of humor. “Let me rephrase. What would you like to drink?”

“She loves Moscato.” I pin Mia with a glare. What? she mouths. I shake my head. Levi leans across the bar and flags down Tatum.

“What’s up, Levi?” she says, planting her hands on top of the bar. Her eyes drift over to me and she smiles. There is a gleam in her eye, but I can’t quite pinpoint what exactly I’m seeing.

“Could you get Laney a glass of Moscato?”

“Sure thing, boss.” She turns to walk away and I don’t miss the little wink she gives me.

“She likes you,” Levi whispers. His warm breath fans the side of my face and I feel my bones melt into a big pile of goo. He smells so good.

“She seems nice,” I whisper back. Levi smiles, and I have to hold on to the bar to keep myself from toppling out of my chair. I’ve seen this smile before, but it’s been a really long time and oh boy, have I missed it. I can’t believe he’s being this nice to me. His behavior has been so hot and cold the past few days, but I’ll take it regardless.

“You don’t get it, do you?”

“Get what?” I ask as Tatum walks up and hands me a glass of Moscato. She leans her elbows on the bar and looks at Levi and then back at me.

“I take it you’re already spoken for?” My eyes widen as what she’s asking sinks in. Mia throws her head back and laughs right along with Levi.

“Um. Actually, no, I’m not,” I reply, slightly dumbfounded that she is hitting on me. I don’t think I’ve had anyone hit on me or even flirt with me in at least three years. And it feels good.

“But you’re not gay.” She isn’t asking . . . she knows. I smile at Tatum. She’s a beautiful girl and I’m sure she could have her pick of any woman she wants—just not this woman. Because this woman’s heart already belongs to someone else.

“I’m not, but you can bet that cute little tushy of yours that if I was gay, I’d be on you like white on rice.” Tatum’s face lights up and she points a finger at a stunned Levi.

“She’s a keeper.” She turns toward me. “You’re a keeper. I like you, Laney.”

“Back at ya, Tatum.” I reach for my glass with a smug grin and take a sip. I may have always played things safe, but I’ve never once been called shy.

Levi hasn’t moved an inch and I can feel his body behind me. He has one foot propped on the bottom of my chair and if I shift to the left, I’m certain that I would be cradled between his legs. We fall into a comfortable silence, all of us sipping our drinks as we take in the crowd around us. A small band has taken the stage and is playing a sweet jazzy tune that I find myself swaying to.

“So, Levi, what are those?” Mia asks, pointing up to the ceiling.

Levi’s eyes follow hers and he clears his throat. “Those are cages.”

Mia rolls her eyes. “Well, no shit. What are they for? Do people have sex in there?”

“Mia, this isn’t a sex club.” He chuckles. “No, no sex in the cages. But girls do like to dance in them.”

“Like the girls that work for you? Or any girls?”

“Some of my workers do and sometimes the patrons do. It’s purely for entertainment, and the girls are not allowed to strip. Dance only.”

“Laney,” Mia says. “We are so going to dance in one of those.”

“There is no way you’ll ever get Laney up in one of those,” Levi interjects before I can respond.

Tags: K. L. Grayson A Touch of Fate Romance