Page 8 of Double Score

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Grant hooks his thumbs in the sides of my shorts and slowly pushes them over my hips along with my panties before he tosses them aside. “Perfect,” he mumbles, his lips finding the curve of my neck while his hands explore my body. “Just like I knew you would be.”

My mind desperately tries to make sense of their words, which is difficult because their hands and lips are everywhere. Kissing, teasing, stroking. “I—I didn’t think you found me attractive.”

Grant lifts his lips from my body. “What on earth gave you that idea?”

I shrug. “Last night, I dropped my top, and you both fled the hot tub. What was I supposed to think?”

“Oh, sweet Emma.” Ryan lowers his head, capturing an aching nipple between his lips. He sucks hard. I arch my back, thrusting my chest forward, and then deflate when he releases it with a wet pop. “That’s what we wanted to talk to you about.”

“I really don’t want to rehash last night—”

Before I can finish, Grant cups my chin in his palm and turns my head. He kisses me from over my shoulder until I’m panting and breathless.

He runs his lips from my cheek to my ear. “What we were trying to say earlier, is that last night shouldn’t have happened the way it did.”

There are hands everywhere. On my breasts, my inner thighs, stroking my neck. So many hands, that I can barely breathe let alone think and form words. I’m not even sure I remember what we were talking about.

“Grant and I have dreamed of having you for years. When we dared you to take off your top, we didn’t think for a second that you’d go through with it. It killed us to walk away, but we had to.”

“Why?” I manage. “I was ready for you last night.”

“We know you were, sweet girl, but we’ve been waiting a long time for this moment, and we want to remember every second of it, which means we needed to be sober.”

“And we were wasted last night,” Grant adds.

That makes sense I guess.

Feeling brazen and sexy, I slide my hand down Ryan’s stomach and tightly grip his erection. “Next time, don’t run away from a topless woman like your ass is on fire. We don’t handle that sort of thing well.”

Ryan looks down between our bodies where I’m stroking his denim-covered cock. “There won’t be a next time or another woman. Only you. And trust us, from here on out, every time you drop your top, we’ll consider it an open invitation for our mouths to feast on you.”

Oh, shit. That’s hot.

“Less talking. More stripping,” Grant says, kissing a path down the side of my neck.

“I’m completely naked. It’s you two who need to undress.”

Ryan removes a hand from my chest and pops the button of his jeans before quickly lowering the zipper. I reach for his pants, tugging them over his hips, only to find that he’s commando. He steps out of the denim, and his cock bobs heavily in front of me. But I don’t get much time to stare because Grant grips my arms and turns me around.

“My turn.” His pants are already unbuttoned, and when I tug them down, his cock springs free, as well.

“What is it with you two not wearing underwear?”

Grant shrugs and kicks off his jeans. “We were hopeful.”

“I’d say so,” I whisper, my eyes lingering on his throbbing cock, wondering how in the hell it would fit inside of me.

I’ve been with a few men, but none quite as thick as Grant, and just when I think the situation couldn’t possibly get worse, Ryan steps around me, and my eyes shift to his naked body. In a moment of insecurity, I consider putting my clothes back on and walking out because it is not natural to have something that big shoved into your pussy. Let alone two somethings.

It just isn’t.

They’re going to break me.

But, oh, what a wonderful way to be broken, by two beautifully savage men who have nothing but desire blazing in their eyes.

Desire…for me.

My insecurities might be running wild, but that doesn’t stop my pussy from clenching, aching to be filled—by t

Tags: K. L. Grayson Erotic