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Claire opens her mouth to tell me how she knows, but nothing comes out. Probably because she knows I’m right.

“Because I just know.” Turning away, she leads Milo back the same way they came. “How dare he question your masculinity?” She talks to the dog as if it’s a person, and I laugh, following after her.

She only makes it about ten feet before I snag Milo off the ground.

“Hey. Give him back.” She reaches for the dog, but I’m much taller than Claire, and I keep the pooch raised above her head.

She jumps several times, her breasts rubbing against me in the process, and I’m tempted to hand the dog back before I get a hard-on, but Claire feels too damn good, and I can’t bring myself to do it.

Eventually she gives up. “Damn you for being so tall.”

“If you stop, I’ll prove to you Milo is not a boy.”

“Fine.” She crosses her arms over her chest, fluffing her tits to perfection, and watches me.

I flip Milo over, tucking her in the crook of my arm. Her tail hangs down, her legs parting as she graciously accepts a belly rub. There’s a ton of fur down there, but when I push some of it aside Claire can easily see.

“No penis or balls. Your little friend Milo is a girl.”

Milo wriggles at the sound of her name, scrounging to crawl up my chest, and I maneuver her accordingly while smiling proudly at Claire. Milo finally reaches my neck and licks a slobbery path from my collarbone to my ear.

“Awww… She loves you.”

“Most women do.”

Claire rolls her eyes and takes the dog from me. Milo commences licking Claire’s neck the same way she did mine. Lucky bitch. That’s what I’d like to be doing.

“Goodbye, Trevor.”

Claire walks away, her denim-clad ass swaying from side to side and fueling every single fantasy I’ve ever had about her.

And damn it, now I’m going to have to work the rest of the day with a hard-on.



“Sorry, sweetie.” I put Milo in her cage, giving her one last pat on the head before I lock it up. All of the dogs are cuddled up on their beds with full bellies, perfectly content to be in for the night. Not one of them lifts a head to bid me farewell… Well, no one except Milo. She’s still yapping away, wondering where her new sidekick is going. I felt guilty putting her away earlier so I carted her around with me the entire day.

I shut off the light on my way out of the kennel, hoping she’ll get the hint and go to bed like the rest of the animals—like I want to do. Today was exhausting. I don’t know how Mo does this day in and day out. She’s in tip-top shape, that’s for sure. Me? I ache in places I didn’t know a woman could ache, and I scratched my arm on a nail in the barn. Damn thing bled for almost an hour. I should probably get it checked out, but I don’t do hospitals, so that’s a big no-go. I’d rather end up with a scar than chance a silly doctor trying to stitch it up.

By the time I do one final walk-through, the sun is setting, my stomach is growling, and Trevor is walking out of the barn.

“Heading home for the night?” he asks, pulling his gloves off. He tosses them in the back of his truck before walking toward me.

> “Yup. You?”

“Nah. I’m going to grab a bite from Dirty Dicks and then come back out here and do a few more things before calling it a night.”

“Mmmm,” I moan, letting my eyes drift shut. “A juicy burger from Dirty Dicks sounds amazing.”

“Careful, Claire.”

Trevor’s gravelly warning wraps around me, and I go perfectly still. Slowly, I open my eyes. He’s taken a few steps back, his body drawn tight as though he’s physically holding himself back from something.

But from what? Me?

Next thing I know, he’s barreling toward me, his eyes clouded with determination.

Tags: K. L. Grayson Dirty Dicks Romance