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“Thank you. Although I don’t own it completely by myself. My business partner, Ben, owns half.”

Lesley perks up. “Ben Wallace? The last guy to get auctioned off?”

“Yeah. Have you met him?” I ask.

“No.” Her grin is mischievous and a ball of unease forms in my stomach. “But I just bought him.”

“You…you’re the one who bought him?”

She bites her bottom lips and nods. “I figured what better way to get to know the local hotties than buy one as a date to the Christmas party? Who knows, maybe we’ll hit it off.”

“Maybe.” I drag my worried gaze to Sam, who is already pulling a bottle of whiskey from the shelf.

“Oooh, the crowd just thinned out. I think this is my chance to use the bathroom. It was nice meeting you.”

“You too,” Sam says, elbowing me when all I do is stare.

“Uh, yeah. Have fun tonight.” I wait until she’s out of sight before turning to Sam who already has a shot poured for me. “Have a little faith,” I murmur, mocking Sam from earlier. “It’ll be fine, you said.”

Sam blinks.

“You lied.” I bring the glass to my lips and toss it back. “One more,” I say, putting the glass on the table.

“I’m not sure if that’s a good idea—” Her words cut off with my icy glare, and she pours the second shot.

“Easy for you to say. You’ve got Hottie McHotterson over there to go to the dance with. I’m going alone. Alone, Sam. And Ben is going with that beautiful blond bombshell. She’s not

old,” I whine. “Why can’t she be old or ugly or stinky? She’s not stinky! She smells amazing. And why is the universe working against me?”

I take the second shot and drop my forehead to the bar. I don’t think this night could get much worse. This holiday season is not turning out the way I’d hoped.



I pop a chip topped with some fancy crab dip in my mouth and listen to Lesley talk while I discreetly watch Dani work the makeshift bar from across the way. We didn’t get to talk at Sal’s earlier; the place was too crowded. And the afternoon bled into evening. Before we knew it, we were both scrambling to get out the door to get ready.

Now we’re here. Her working and me enjoying the company of a beautiful woman who looks nothing like the woman I’d rather be sitting across from.

“Dani told me that you and she own Sal’s. That’s exciting. I’ve always wanted to own my own business.”

“You talked to Dani?”

She nods and sips her Coke. “At the bar after I outbid some pour soul to win you.”

I nearly choke on the chip in my mouth. That pour soul was Dani, but Lesley doesn’t need to know that. “So, Lesley, you said you’re a teacher, but you’d also love to own your own business. What kind of business would you like to have?”

Her pretty face lights up as she rests her arms on the table. “I’m a self-taught photographer. I’d love to have my own studio.”

“Why don’t you?”

“One of these days maybe. But for now, I need to get settled in, work on building clientele, and save up.”

“I’ll keep my eye out for a building. My buddy owns a lot of property in town; I can put a bug in his ear, if you’d like me to.”

“That would be great! It’s nothing I want to do right now, but I absolutely want to keep my eyes and options open. And if you know anyone looking to get their picture taken, send them my way.”

“Absolutely. Let me get your number.” I pull my phone from my pocket, and Lesley slides around so she’s pressed right up against me, watching me put her info into my phone.

Tags: K. L. Grayson Romance