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“Who says I need help?”

“You were there all day,” I said flatly. “If it was as easy as walking into his office and taking it, you would’ve done it already.”

“Why are you so perceptive?”

I discreetly ran my fingertip across her hand, relishing the way such a simple point of contact could make my blood go rushing through my veins. “What do you say?”

She shrugged. “I think it might actually work. He’ll be thrilled if he thinks I’m actually considering a guy he tried to set me up with. I just can’t believe he brought me straight to you. You must’ve really made a good impression on him.”

“That’s right,” I said. “I’ve been known to charm.”

She snorted. “Too bad for me you decided to keep that side of yourself a secret for so long.”

“Don’t pretend you weren’t charmed.”

“I was seduced. Aroused. Physically dragged to my limits. But charmed isn’t the word I would use.”

I smirked. “I’ll accept that.”

The night was surprisingly enjoyable. With Jules on my arm, I managed to get far more face time with Russ Coleton than I’d expected. He eventually came and pulled us aside to a private room, where I got nearly thirty minutes to speak with him. I didn’t push him on any of the moves Noah wanted him to make yet. I was simply working on establishing trust. When the time came, all we’d really need was for him to not think twice about the suggestions his advisors would pass across his desk. Even if that didn’t work, getting our hands on the encryption codes Noah wanted would give us a “Plan B.”

It felt like we were close.

“You really have quite the daughter,” I said to Russ.

He nodded. “I’m glad you are enjoying her.”

I felt my stomach turn at his phrasing. He spoke about her like she was a sports car he was letting me test drive. No wonder Jules did everything she could to get away from this fucking family. “Yes, well, I’d enjoy it very much if I could see her again.”

“Come to my house. I’ll have the chef prepare something tomorrow night. You’ll be our guest, and Juliette will be there, of course.”

“I couldn’t impose,” I said.

“I insist,” Russ said. There was a shadow of something in his expression I didn’t like.

A lump formed in my throat, but I nodded. “Then I’ll see you both tomorrow night.” I lifted Jules’ hand and kissed it, giving her the faintest smile. “Until then,” I said.

“Until then,” she replied, winking.



Everything seemed to be working out. Finally.

I’d expected father to invite several other of his business friends to the dinner, but it was just myself, Mikey, Adrian, father, and my mother. We were all sitting at the ornate table in the dining room at father’s house. Thick drapes, tapestries, and lush carpets gave the room a muffled, suffocatingly lavish atmosphere I’d always hated. Then again, this was the place where I was most often forced to endure lectures from my father, so I supposed that could have something to do with it.

Adrian was at my side picking at his salmon. We’d been served a five-course meal, and so far, the conversation had been going relatively well. I just hoped father would do what he normally did and excuse himself before long, giving Adrian a chance to possibly help me get to father’s laptop.

Mikey had been giving Adrian the stink eye for the whole dinner. He clearly felt like he had dirt on us, and he was practically bursting with the desire to spill everything he knew. “Funny how well you two get on,” Mikey said. He had barely touched his food. He had one arm draped over the back of his chair as he lounged obnoxiously. “You two just met last night at the party, right? Seems like you’ve known each other for weeks.”

“Yeah,” Adrian said easily. “Juliette and I really hit it off quickly.”

I nodded.

“Alright,” my father said. He pushed his plate away and wiped his mouth. He fixed his dark, hooded eyes on us. “It’s time I told you why I really invited you here, Adrian.”

A cold fist gripped my insides. Shit. This was bad.

“Alright,” Adrian said, meeting his gaze.

“Your real name is Adrian Terranova. You’ve been fucking my daughter for months. The only reason you want a job at my company is to sabotage it, and I have no intention of letting any of that continue. You’re fired, and you’ll never see my daughter again.”

Adrian stood up suddenly, chair screeching.

It felt like all the air in my lungs was suddenly gone. The only sensation in my chest was my rapidly beating heart and the tightness in my throat. No. No, no, no.

My father slowly folded his napkin and set it on the table in front of himself, looking up at Adrian with grim pleasure. “You’re wondering how I know. I can see it in your face. Well, what kind of father would I be if I didn’t have listening devices in place to learn about my daughter’s potential suitors? There was one on the balcony at the party, on Jules phone, and a few others. Once I knew you were lying, it wasn’t difficult to find out the rest. Your colorful past and various fake names. I’ll give you credit. It was hard to pin it all back to you, but once I knew something was there, I told my people to keep looking. If I hadn’t, I suspect they might’ve skimmed right over the truth.”

Tags: Penelope Bloom Billionaire Romance