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All signs were now pointing to him relenting and letting her go along. Even if reluctantly. Now she only needed not to screw it up. “I don’t know, do I?”

He held out his hand.

She plucked her phone from the outer pocket on her backpack and, after unlocking it, handed it to him. Once he swiped through the five million other apps on her phone, he found the one he was looking for and screwed with it before handing it back.

“Hate to tell you, you ain’t as smart as you think you are. We all got those find-your-ass apps on our phones for a reason. Wouldn’t be good to have both of us popping up in the same location other than Manning Grove.”

“Well, I guess someone is smarter than I thought.” She never would have thought about a location finder app. Something she forgot Judge required everyone to install on their phones during all the trouble with the Shirleys.

“Ain’t too smart if I’m considerin’ you goin’ along.”

She bounced on her toes, grabbed his shirt and shook it. “You won’t regret it.”

“Oh, I’m gonna fuckin’ regret it. Already know it.”

She grinned. “You’ll enjoy my singing.”

“Prefer road head to keep you quiet.”

“Hard to give you road head on a sled.”

“Easy in my Bronco.”

She grinned.

He grinned.

Wait. Maybe he was serious.

“Havin’ your head bobbin’ in my lap won’t only keep your trap shut but will keep you outta sight when we drive off the farm and outta town. Don’t need you bein’ spotted in my Bronco.” He grabbed his backpack. “Get your shit. Ain’t carryin’ it for you. Gonna go out and make sure the coast is clear before you climb into my cage and wrap your lips around my dick.”

She chewed on her bottom lip.

He leaned in and whispered, “That’s it, get those lips warmed up, babe. Can’t wait. ‘Cause this ain’t gonna be a free ride.”

With that, he slapped her hard on the ass and walked out of the shed, leaving her standing there wondering what she just got herself into.

And whether she wanted to get herself back out of it or not.

They rode in silence for over three damn hours because every time he turned on the satellite radio he’d installed last year in his custom ’68 Ford Bronco 4x4, she sang along. After changing the station three times from classic rock to heavy metal to even rap, she tried to sing to whatever song played no matter if she knew the words or not.

He quickly hit the power button and put an end to that before he killed her and dumped her body alongside the road.

Truth was, she couldn’t sing for shit. It was even worse when she made up the words.

She also sucked at telling jokes.

And while he made her duck down while leaving the farm, and then town, she did not give him road head. Not that he didn’t want her fucking lips wrapped around his dick sucking his nuts dry, he did. But that wasn’t going to happen.


Because if she sucked him, he’d end up fucking her after that and then he would die.

Or be severely maimed.

And maybe even have his colors stripped.

No pussy was worth that. Not even the blonde sitting next to him, most of the trip turned in her seat, staring at him like some lunatic.

“Will you knock it the fuck off?”

“Why’d you get your ears and nose pierced?”

“This ain’t gonna be a Q and A session, woman. Just sit there and shut up.”

“What else is pierced?”

“My taint.”

“No, it isn’t. I’ve seen your dick and taint plenty of times and I know it isn’t pierced.”

“Why were you lookin’ at my dick?”

“It’s hard to miss when you fuck anyone who bends over in front of you not wearing panties.”

He cocked one eyebrow and turned his eyes from the road to her for a second. “Not anyone.”

“Anyone who doesn’t have a dick,” she corrected.

That might be true.

“And who doesn’t wear someone’s colors,” she added.

That was definitely true. He would never touch an ol’ lady. Or even someone’s regular.

Even Lizzy, who was a sweet butt. She wasn’t officially Ozzy’s regular but those two were always doing their thing together since Ozzy preferred her over the rest of the sweet butts. Because of that, it would just feel weird fucking her. Unless him and Oz were double-teaming her, then he got over any guilt pretty fucking quickly.

Hold up.

He turned to glance at Reilly again. “All that time you stayed at the motel, did you join Oz and Lizzy in his bed?”

Her expression remained blank when she answered, “That man sure likes his threesomes,” while staring out of the windshield.

That man sure likes his threesomes? She used the same matter-of-fact tone as if she’d announced, “That man sure likes maple syrup on his pancakes.”

Nope. That answer wasn’t going to fly. “Yeah, he does. But you didn’t answer what I asked.”

Tags: Jeanne St. James Blood Fury MC Romance