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“It’s a kilt. It says I like Scottish stuff, because everyone knows Scots are very celebratory, which makes me Mr. Fun.” He held out his hand. “I want that dance you promised.”

The guys around her chuckled.

Tula’s eyes went wide. “You’re serious?”

“Yeah, I’m serious.”

“A promise is a promise, Tula.” Gola appeared behind him, arms folded.

Tula stared for a moment and then rolled her eyes. “Fine. One dance, but after that, you can’t talk to me the rest of the night. You’re killing my chances of scoring.”

What the hell was the matter with his woman? “Change of plans.” Zac grabbed her hand and pulled her behind him.

“Hey! Where are you taking me?” Tula protested.

“Outside. We need to talk, woman.”

“Woman? I’m not your woman.” She jerked her hand away. “And I’m not going anywhere with you.”

The partygoers in the kitchen stopped their conversations and stared.

Zac turned, shaking a finger at her. “Tula, you either hear me out, or I will-will…” What could he do without breaking the rules? And gods only knew who was watching. He bet Maury had demon spies everywhere. Because clearly, he and the gods were mistaken in assuming that all the demon portals had been closed. “I will tell everyone your secret.”

“Secret?” Tula raised a brow.

“Yeah, that’s right. I know all your secrets. I’m…a psychic. Yep. And unless you give me two minutes of your time, I will disclose everything—all your dark, dirty secrets—to every person at this party.”

Tula shrugged. “Okey dokey. Go for it.” She turned to head back where she’d been.

“Tula, please. I know I’m not the handsomest man here, but I promise I’m the only one willing to look at you for who you are on the inside. I see more than your legs and really adorable, perky breasts. I see more than your baby-blue eyes and silky blonde hair.”

She turned and looked at him, her eyes softening. “You really mean that?”

He nodded. “Yeah. I really do.”

She walked over and took his hand, dragging him outside onto the porch. Zac felt his insides bounce with excitement. He’d gotten through to her. And it had been so easy. I knew she was good. I knew she loved me.

Once outside on the patio, which overlooked a waterfall and the pool, Tula faced him. “You’re for real? You really wouldn’t care if I looked like…well…Gola, for example?”

That was a tall order. Literally. “Would there be pus and drool involved?”

“See! I knew it. You’re like all the rest. Obsessed with looks.”

“No. That’s not true. And if you just gave me a chance, you’d see that I’m a guy who’s looking for a connection.”

Tula shook her head. “Does that connection have to do with something in your pants? I mean skirt?”

Was this a trick question? “Um…no?”

“Ugh. Even ugly men are all the same. Well, you know what, Hilbert? I don’t know you, and I don’t want to get to know you because you’re butt ugly. I wouldn’t even take a dump on your face. That’s how little I think about you, m’kay? Because I’m tired of living in a world where everyone says looks don’t matter, but they’re all lying.” She swiped a hand over her mouth, but there was nothing there. “I give up. And I’m going to be shallow like everyone else and chase after the hottest guy I can get. Then I’ll take him home and ride him like a wild pony.”

“Tula,” he gasped, “I know that’s not what you want.”

She stared suspiciously.

“I-I mean,” he stuttered, “I don’t know you or anything, but I can’t imagine a beautiful, kind soul like yours is only after meaningless sex with a random male. You deserve better than that. I mean, I suspect you do. Because I don’t really know you, but my psychic powers tell me I’m onto something.”

Tula frowned. Hard emotions churned behind her eyes. He was getting through to her.

“Please, just one dance,” he said firmly so she’d know he meant business. “And then you can spend the rest of the evening flirting with any man you like.” Over my dead body. “But at least allow one man to treat you like the queen that you are?”

“You’re not going to do a jig or anything, right?” she asked.

“Not unless that’s your thing.”

“No,” she replied.

“Then no jigs.”

“Fine. One dance.” Tula huffed petulantly.

“Excellent.” Zac could hardly contain himself. He had this challenge in the bag! “Let us go find the room with the music.” Zac didn’t know where it was exactly, but the bass of the music sounded like it was about to bring down the house.

He followed Tula, noting how nice her ass looked in her tight black dress. Gorgeous. But it pained him how all the other men at the party could see it too.

His possessive beast roared inside. Down, boy. Down. Keep your eye on the prize.

Ignoring the snide comments about his appearance, the two passed through the crowded kitchen and living room and went to a large room toward the back of the home. The furniture had been cleared out to make way for a dance floor and DJ. DJ Roost, he presumed.

Tags: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff Vampires