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Returning to my phone, one of my other messages caught my eye. “Got one of those rare sneak-texts from my sister. Wonder if she sensed me close by or something.”

“Maybe.” The soft look Alden gave me wasn’t pity, but rather understanding—as if he got how important my sisters were to me and how messed up my situation was.

“Anyway she says she liked the last game the professor put up on his channel. The one where you crushed Jasper like cracker crumbs, and Payton and I went back and forth before I beat them. She says, and I quote, ‘The bossy one sure wins a lot. But he’s cute so there’s that.’ Hmm. Gotta agree with her there.” I laughed just to see if I could get him to blush again.

“Am not.” Alden studied his placemat.

“Are too,” I said right as our food arrived, my resolve to not flirt apparently not lasting even thirty seconds. But I tried to steer things back to safer shores as we ate—talking about food we liked growing up, things our grandmothers made. Alden had never had a red velvet cake, and I liked hearing about the various Jewish holidays, liked picturing little Alden.

“These latkes are good, but Mimi’s are better. You should come by some weekend. She and Mom like cooking together.”

“Invite me over and maybe I will,” I countered. And okay, I was still flirting a little. It was kinda nice to think about some future where Alden and I stayed friendly, where I got to hang out with him even after this trip was done. I didn’t like thinking too much about the future, but that vision of a meal with his family made me smile.

But I wished I could make up my mind about whether that vague and comforting future might include something more. Logic—Alden’s favorite thing—would say no way, but my body kept not listening to my brain. I wanted him. In a way I hadn’t wanted anything in quite some time. Kissing him again felt almost inevitable, something that both elated and terrified me as we finished eating.

Finally back on the highway west, we made decent time leaving the suburbs of Denver behind. Alden was driving, which meant plenty of time for me to appreciate the mountains and gorgeous scenery. The mountains were every bit as majestic as I remembered, the perfect blue skies making me itch to escape the confines of the car. And maybe my unsettled brain too.

“There’s a scenic overlook coming for the Dillon Reservoir.” I stretched in my seat. “And we’re making good enough time that I think we’ve earned a brief detour.”

“Okay. We can get some good pictures for Professor Tuttle. At least there’s not another game-store stop until St. George tomorrow.”

“Here’s to hoping they’re not part of the Odyssey Mafia network,” I joked, but seriously, I was happy to see the last of Danny and Bart.

Even for a weekday, the dam road bypass off the highway was crowded with RVs and tourists, but as we continued on, we found a not-too-full overlook to park at. Alden snapped some pics of me with the turquoise lake and craggy hills in the background before we discovered a short trail that led closer to the lake.

But my stupid lungs still weren’t cooperating the best with the altitude and dry air, and I needed to take a breather on a log off the path.

“Sorry.” I fingered my inhaler, trying to decide whether I needed another dose or if the moment of rest would be enough.

“Don’t be sorry.” He moved so his hand hovered near my back, then seemed to think better of the gesture, pulling it back.

“You can touch me. Sorry if I was a jerk about that earlier.” I bent forward, still trying to find my breath. Alden took my permission seriously, using his hand to tentatively stroke my back.

“Can I do anything? Water?”

“Nah. Just sitting is good. At least it’s pretty here.” I gestured at the lake in front of us, farther down the path, and the canopy of the trees sheltering us from the sun.

“Yeah.” He licked his lips, which was probably way more about the dry air than being sexy, but it still hit me like a shock wave.

Don’t. Don’t. I tried to remind myself of all the reasons I shouldn’t want this, shouldn’t go there again, but all I could seem to remember was how soft his lips were, how good he tasted, how much I liked the little gasp he’d made…

Yeah. I was a total goner, and I wasn’t surprised when my next words came out flirty.

“But you know… If you want to see if a kiss would cure me, I wouldn’t stop you.”

“Medicinal kisses?” He frowned, not jumping at this excuse as I’d hoped he might.

“Sure. Why not?” God, why couldn’t this be easy? This was the conversation I’d been dreading all afternoon, and I supposed I deserved the wary look he gave me.

Tags: Annabeth Albert True Colors Romance