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Jake and I will have to tag team Kyle, to ensure Logan doesn’t catch me elbow-deep in his blood.

“Think you can get your car around there without anyone seeing?” I ask him.

“I think no one will say a word,” he taunts, arching an eyebrow.

“Let the sheep change shepherds,” I say as I get out of the car, tugging the mask on.

Everyone is dressed in so many costumes, that only a few even notice me as I pass by. I can’t hide my height, but after saving Logan last night, that doesn’t really matter anymore.

He saw me.

Well, he saw most of me. I worried he saw more, but he was so concussed he didn’t get a good look. I risked it all to make sure I saved him.

It’s hard to fight and keep your face hidden, but obviously I managed.

I still wonder what he would have said or done if he’d seen me and knew the killer of one’s nightmares was the one to save him because she loves him.

I take the side door, and no one even questions me, considering my costume. No one ever asks questions in this town. They just go with the flow, as their conditioning tells them to do.

The throngs of people divide for me, screaming as I split through them. Everyone loves a good scream, and as I pop out of the shadows, more of those screams find my ears.

It takes me a moment to find the corner Jake has set up, and I nudge a girl out of it, letting her think I’m taking over as part of the plan. Gotta love disorganization. Popular as it is, it’s still just put on by the high school, and has no organization extending beyond the original setup.

She leaves, carrying her fake axe with her, and I plug in my power saw.

Trevor is the first one I see, and I rev the saw, listening to some of the ones in front of him scream in terror, even though they think it’s all fake.

The dingy room is lit by a strobe light that flickers amongst the fog machines and red lights in the background. Trevor steps aside, waiting for Kyle and the others to catch up. I smirk behind the mask before grabbing him.

“Let go, fuckstick!” he snaps. “You’re not supposed to put your hands on people.”

Oh, how I wish he could see me smile.

Screams erupt from all around as I slam a knife into his chest and toss him into the corner. People burst out laughing as he gurgles on blood.

“That’s so fake!” one teenager shouts. “Nice try, Deputy Byron. Stick to your day job.”

As the deputy continues to bleed out, I catch a glimpse of Kyle in the back, unsurprisingly lingering by the ‘whore house’ stand that’s off to the side. My current box is l

abeled the ‘liar’ box.

We picked it on purpose.

I toss a sheet over Trevor as blood continues to plume and spread across his chest. He stares up in shock as I cover his head, tucking him in for a long sleep.

He’ll bleed out in front of everyone.

But that’s not my main event.

Chad Briggs comes into view just as I rev my power saw, and more screams erupt all around me as I pretend like I’m getting too close to the line of people. I cock my head from side to side, going with creepy overload.

Just as Briggs nears, leaving Kyle to dawdle at the whore house box a little longer—watching two girls make out while fake blood drips from their nipples through their white shirts—I rev the saw again.

Briggs eyes me, confused as to why this particular costume is in play. I walk up to him, and he smugly holds his ground while more people rush by, screaming like I’m an insane serial killer.


With one fast, unexpected yank, I toss Chad to the ground, and everyone around us erupts into frenzied screams. Chad’s eyes widen, and a curse spills from his lips when realization sets in seconds too late.

Tags: S.T. Abby Mindf*ck Erotic