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“Hold it!” she yelled, moving closer to Hudson and pointing the gun.

Melissa got off Hudson's back and stepped away, but not before she got in one good kick. Marcus recovered Carmen's gun from Hudson's pocket. Carmen took a step closer to Hudson, now aiming the gun at his head.

“Ease off, Carmen. Ease off and give me the gun.”

“He's the reason my sister is dead,” Carmen said quietly. She began to cry.

“I know Carmen, but your killing him won't change that. So please, Carmen, give me the gun.”

Carmen took a step closer to Hudson, aiming point blank at his head.

“I love you, Carmen,” Marcus moved closer to Carmen. “I don't want to lose you over a piece of shit like him.

“I love you, too, Marcus, but if it's all the same to you, I'll just hold on to the gun until the police get here.”

“I'll call 9-1-1,” Melissa said and went off the dial.

“Hold it, Melissa,” Carmen said reaching into her pocket. She retrieved Agent Grant's card. “Call her. Let her be the one to take him in. A fool brought in by a woman.”

Agent Grant arrived quickly with a team of FBI agents and took Bill Hudson into custody. After they left, Marcus called Joanna Henley and gave her the story. As soon as the agents took Hudson away, he began talking non stop. He stuck to his story; that he only found out that evening from Ferguson what was going on in the company that bears his name. He implicated Izella Hawkins and gave them the details of everything detective Benjamin had done.

As promised he told the FBI that he only came there to talk to Roland and that Carmen and Marcus took his gun and shot Roland with it. But with the powder burns on his hands, nobody believed him.

Marcus Douglas returns in Body of Evidence

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Tags: Roy Glenn Marcus Douglas Crime