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The spatulate fingers on the rail drummed methodically; Saint-Vire looked the page over broodingly, and for a moment did not speak.

‘Your master is here?’ he said at last, and the very lameness of the question seemed to indicate that it was but an excuse to call Léon to him.

‘Yes, m’sieur.’

The Comte hesitated still, tapping his foot on the polished floor.

‘You accompany him everywhere, I believe?’

‘When Monseigneur wishes it, m’sieur.’

‘From where do you come?’ Then, as Léon looked puzzled, he changed the question, speaking sharply. ‘Where were you born?’

Léon let fall the long lashes over his eyes.

‘In the country, m’sieur,’ he said.

The Comte’s thick brows drew together.

‘What part of the country?’

‘I do not know, m’sieur.’

‘You are strangely ignorant,’ said Saint-Vire sarcastically.

‘Yes, m’sieur.’ Léon glanced up, chin firmly set. ‘I do not know why m’sieur should take so great an interest in me.’

‘You are impertinent. I have no interest in peasant-children.’ The Comte went on up the staircase, to the ballroom.

In a group by the door stood his Grace of Avon, clad in shades of blue, with his star on his breast, a cluster of blazing diamonds. Saint-Vire paused for a moment before he tapped that straight shoulder.

‘If you please, m’sieur…!’

The Duke turned to see who accosted him, eyebrows raised. When his eyes alighted on Saint-Vire the haughty look faded, and he smiled, bowing with the exaggerated flourish that made a veiled insult of the courtesy.

‘My dear Comte! I had almost begun to fear that I should not have the felicity of meeting you here to-night. I trust I see you well?’

‘I thank you, yes,’ Saint-Vire would have passed on, but again his Grace stood in the way.

‘Strange to say, dear Comte, Florimond and I were but this instant speaking of you – your brother, rather. Where is the good Armand?’

‘My brother, m’sieur, is this month in attendance at Versailles.’

‘Ah? Quite a family gathering at Versailles,’ smiled the Duke. ‘I trust the Vicomte, your so charming son, finds court life to his taste?’

The man who stood at the Duke’s elbow laughed a little at this, and addressed Saint-Vire.

‘The Vicomte is quite an original, is he not, Henri?’

‘Oh, the boy is young yet!’ Saint-Vire answered. ‘He likes court well enough.’

Florimond de Chantourelle tittered amiably.

‘He so amused me with his megrims and his sighs! He told me once that he liked best to be in the country, and that ’twas his ambition to have a farm under his own management at Saint-Vire!’

A shadow crossed the Comte’s face.

Tags: Georgette Heyer Alastair-Audley Tetralogy Romance