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She shook her head.

‘But no, m’sieur. I want him.’

Condé took her hand, and smiled down at her.

‘You are unkind, Fairy Princess! I thought you liked me just a little?’

‘Yes, I do. I like you very much,’ Léonie assured him. ‘But now I want Monseigneur.’

‘Then I’ll fetch him for you at once,’ Condé said gallantly.

‘But no! I will go to him, m’sieur. You take me!’

Condé presented his arm promptly.

‘Now you are a little kinder, mademoiselle! Is this mon-seigneur going to bring you to Versailles, I wonder?’

‘Yes, I think so. Will you be there? Please do, m’sieur!’

‘Of a certainty I shall be there. Then, at Madame de Longchamps’ rout I shall meet you, surely?’

‘I do not know,’ she said. ‘I think I am going to a great many routs, but Monseigneur has not told me which ones yet. Oh, there he is!’ She released Condé’s arm, and ran forward to where his Grace was standing. ‘Monseigneur, I have been looking for you. The Prince brought me. Thank you very much, m’sieur!’ She held out a friendly hand. ‘Now you will go and dance with – with – oh, with somebody! I do not know the names!’

Condé kissed the small hand.

‘You will bring her to court, Duc?’

‘To the levée next week,’ said his Grace.

‘Then I am satisfied,’ Condé said, bowed, and left them.

The Duke looked down at his ward in some amusement.

‘You dismiss royalty very summarily, Babe.’

‘Oh, Monseigneur, he is quite young, and very like Rupert! He did not mind, do you think?’

‘He did not appear to mind,’ said the Duke. ‘What do you want with me, infant?’

‘Nothing, Monseigneur. But I thought I would come to find you.’

‘You are tired, infant.’ He led her to a couch. ‘You shall sit quietly with me awhile.’

‘Yes, please, Monseigneur. It is a very nice dance, I think. I have danced with a great many grand people, and they were all very kind to me indeed.’

‘I am glad to hear it, child,’ he said gravely. ‘How does your Prince please you?’

‘Oh, he is fort amusant ! He told me ever so many things about court, Monseigneur, and he explained who the people were – oh no! It was M. de Brionne who did that. I said “Bah” to the Prince, I am afraid, but he liked it, and he laughed. And I danced with Rupert – and oh, Monseigneur, with M. d’Anvau! He said he was sure he had met me before!’ Her eyes danced. ‘I wanted to say, “But yes, m’sieur. I brought you wine at Vassaud’s one night!”’

‘I sincerely trust you did not, infant?’

‘Oh no, I was very discreet, Monseigneur. I said “Tiens! Me, I do not think I have met m’sieur before.” It was not at all true, was it?’

‘Never mind, child, it was a very proper reply. And now I am going to present you to a very old friend of mine who desires speech with you. Come, infant!’

‘Qui est-ce? ’ she asked.

He walked slowly with her through the salons to the hall.

Tags: Georgette Heyer Alastair-Audley Tetralogy Romance