Page 37 of The Talisman Ring

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‘That is precisely what I was thinking,’ agreed Miss Thane. ‘An old iron chest, full of jewels.’

Sir Tristram broke in on these fancies with a somewhat withering comment. ‘Since we are not searching for treasure, and no passage exists save in your imaginations, this discussion is singularly unprofitable,’ he said. ‘Where is the panel, Ludovic?’

‘There you have the matter in a nutshell,’ confessed Ludovic. ‘I know my uncle used to use it as a strong-room, and I remember Sylvester showing it to me when I was a lad, but what I can’t for the life of me recall is which room it’s in.’

‘That,’ said Sir Tristram, ‘is, to say the least of it, unfortunate, since the Dower House is panelled almost throughout.’


bsp; ‘I think it’s either in the library or the dining-room,’ said Ludovic. ‘There are two tiers of pillars with a lot of fluted pilasters and carvings. I dare say I shall recognize it when I see it. You twist one of the bosses on the frieze between the tiers, and one of the square panels below slides back.’

‘How do you propose to see it?’ asked Shield. ‘The Beau is at the Dower House now, and means to stay there.’

‘Well, I shall have to break in at night,’ replied Ludovic.

‘A very proper resolve,’ approved Miss Thane, before Sir Tristram could condemn it. ‘But something a trifle disturbing has occurred to me: are you sure that your cousin would have kept the ring?’

‘Yes, for he would not dare to sell it,’ replied Ludovic at once.

‘He would not perhaps have thrown it away?’

Ludovic shook his head. ‘Not he. He knows its worth,’ he answered simply.

‘Oh well, in that case, all we have to do is to find the panel!’ said Miss Thane.

Sir Tristram looked at her across Ludovic’s bed. ‘We?’ he said.

‘Certainly,’ replied Sarah. ‘Eustacie told me I might share the adventure.’

‘You are surely not proposing to remain here!’

‘Sir,’ said Miss Thane. ‘I shall remain here until we have cleared Ludovic’s fair name.’

‘But, of course!’ said Eustacie, opening her eyes very wide. ‘What else?’

Sir Tristram told her in a few brief words. When it was made plain to him that both ladies meant to play important parts in Ludovic’s affair, and that neither of them would so much as listen to the notion of retiring, the one to London, the other to Bath, he said roundly that he would have nothing to do with so crazy an escapade. Eustacie at once replied with the utmost cordiality that he might retire from it with her good-will, but Ludovic objected that since his left arm would be useless for some little time, he would need Tristram to help him with his housebreaking.

‘Do you imagine that I am going to break into Basil’s house?’ demanded Sir Tristram.

‘Why not?’ said Ludovic.

‘Not only that,’ said Miss Thane thoughtfully, ‘but we might need you if there is to be any fighting. My brother tells me you have a Right.’

‘If,’ said Sir Tristram, ‘you would all of you rid yourselves of the notion that you are living within the pages of one of Mrs Radcliffe’s romances, I should be grateful! Do you realize that tongues are already wagging up at the Court over Eustacie’s ill-judged, unnecessary, and foolish flight? I dare swear the news of it has even now reached Basil’s ears. If she remains here, what am I to tell him?’

‘Let me think,’ said Miss Thane.

‘Don’t put yourself to that trouble!’ said Sir Tristram, with asperity. ‘Eustacie must go to my mother in Bath.’

‘I have it!’ said Miss Thane, paying no heed to him. ‘I knew Eustacie in Paris some years ago. Finding myself in the vicinity of her home, I sent to inform her of my arrival, whereupon the dear creature, misliking the Bath scheme, formed the idea of putting herself under my protection. Unfortunately, you, Sir Tristram, knowing nothing of me, and being possessed of a tyrannical disposition – I beg your pardon?’

‘I did not speak,’ replied Sir Tristram, eyeing her frostily.

Miss Thane met his look with one of liquid innocence. ‘Oh, I quite thought you did!’

‘I choked,’ explained Sir Tristram. ‘Pray continue! You had reached my tyrannical disposition.’

‘Precisely,’ nodded Sarah. ‘You refused to accede to Eustacie’s request, thus leaving her no alternative to instant flight. But now you have seen me, you realize that I am a respectable female, altogether a proper person to have the charge of a young lady, and you relent.’

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