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“You want to kidnap someone? Well, kidnap this,” Aaliyah said, running to the woman. She threw a punch but the woman dodged it, grabbed the hand and hit Aaliyah in the armpit. Aaliyah’s hand felt numb as she staggered back. She knew the trick well. Stretching out her hand forcefully, she heard a crack and felt her hand return to normal functionality.

“I’m not here to kidnap anyone,” the lady said, walking in half circles. “However, I’m guessing you’ve met my friends.”

Aaliyah smiled at her then she lunged at the woman, taking them both to the ground. She punched the woman. The next second, the woman turned and sent Aaliyah to the ground. She got up and watched Aaliyah do a Chinese get-up. The woman smiled.

“I’m impressed. I wondered what you did to my friends when they tried to abduct you.”

Aaliyah didn’t respond this time. Instead, she threw her heel towards the woman’s face. The woman barely dodged it but Aaliyah wasn’t done. She threw herself into the air, turning so that her other heel struck the woman on the face sending them both to the ground again. This time, Aaliyah got up first with a smile.

“I didn’t do anything to them. They were lucky they drugged me first. You aren’t as smart as they were.”

The woman stood up.

“Enough of this,” she said as she ran towards Aaliyah. Aaliyah braced herself to dodge a punch but the woman squatted instead, using her leg to kick Aaliyah’s leg off the ground. Aaliyah landed hard on her butt and gasped in pain. The woman used the front of her leg to hit Aaliyah’s face, causing her to fall flat on the floor. She placed a heel on Aaliyah’s head.

“Don’t bother moving, young lady. Especially if you don’t want my heels to go through your skull.” When she was sure Aaliyah would respect herself, she lifted her foot off and went back to where she dropped her bag. Picking it up, she started to leave when Aaliyah called out.

“Hey, if you’re not kidnapping me, what are you doing here? And why are you friends with the kidnappers?”

The woman turned and looked at Aaliyah sitting up on the floor.

“I’m guessing you’re on some Israelite journey to some promised land where a ship awaits you.”

Aaliyah nodded.

“Well, let me put it this way: whatever you’re running away from here is the same thing that’s waiting for you there. The people who are being kidnapped are the lucky ones.”

Aaliyah frowned. “I don’t understand.”

“Of course you don’t. You’re an innocent citizen with complete confidence in the integrity of your government. When two elephants fight, it’s the grass that suffer. At least the Africans got that one right. Look, I want to tell you what’s going on but it’ll only put you in more danger. So, have a safe trip to New York. A new life is waiting for you there. Bye,” the lady said as she continued walking away. Aaliyah followed her. It was only then she realized that there was a back door that the woman had come in from.

The woman sat on a snowmobile and turned to face Aaliyah.

“Look, it was great meeting you, though I wish it wasn’t under the current circumstances. Take my word for it. It’s better to stay back than to make this trek,” she said before putting on her helmet and driving off. It was then Aaliyah realized how foolish she had been to miss the tire tracks in the snow to the pharmacy. She wondered how the lady’s snowmobile still worked and how she even managed to power it. Another thing bothered her.

why were the kidnapped ones the lucky ones?

Chapter Five

“Stay away from me, will you?"

18thNovember, 2021


Gorham, Danville. USA

Aaliyah ran through the snow in worry. She was confused. Could she take the advice of the strange woman and just stop the journey? Who would believe her if she told them what the woman had said? What had the woman even said that would logically explain why she should stop her travel and go against the government orders? Nothing made sense. However, she couldn’t shake off the feeling of impending doom.

She went to the road leading to the highway and she noticed the guys were no longer sitting around. Apparently, they were about to move. She walked faster till she got to the camp. people were preparing to leave. She went towards Ted’s parent’s corner. When they saw her coming from afar, she noticed that they started whispering among themselves.

Sure, whatever. Say what you want about me. I don’t care.

Ted got up and limped towards her and she rolled her eyes. The guy never got it, did he?

“Leave me alone, Ted. I just want to get my grandmother and prepare her for the trek,” she said even before he got near. When he was close enough, she noticed the sad look on his face.

“That’s not what I want -” he began to say but she cut him off.

Tags: Zion Cage The End Science Fiction