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It took a second but Adrik to straightened up and nodded at her with a straight face. He sat on the bench she had been sitting on and motioned for her to join him. She obeyed.

“So, I’ve read through your report and I’m so pleased that I sent you here.” They had reverted to speaking Russian.

“Thank you, sir. As I said before, I just needed time to act without causing any suspicions.”

Adrik smiled and nodded his head.

“So, everyone thinks you’re from Wisconsin?”

She smiled and nodded.

He pulled out an A4-sized brown envelope from his jacket and handed it over to her.

“We are moving on to the next phase now. The organization has decided on the people they want to fill up the positions. Your job is to steadily promote them till they get those seats. This should be done over a long period to avoid suspicion. We aim for fifteen years. Work towards it. Remember, no slacking.”

Vivien opened the envelope and pulled out the papers inside. She read through the names on the first sheet. She raised a brow.

“Really? We’re going to let Alexei take this position?”

Adrik narrowed his brow.

“You have a problem with that?”

Vivien sighed.

“Well, I don’t. It’s just that I feel the job description requires so much tact and strength. I know him. I doubt he can do it.”

Adrik laughed.

“Vivien, my love. Ever so opinionated. So, who do you think can do it? You?”

Vivien mentally rolled her eyes and said nothing more. Adrik became serious.

“Vivien, this is not the council where we make our suggestions. Your wisdom indeed brought us this far but you need to follow instructions. If this is what we say we want to be done, do it without any questions. Is that clear?”

Vivien nodded.

“Yes sir.”


“Yes, Adrik.”


There was silence for a while. They sat staring at all the activity on the field. Vivien wished he hadn’t come. He had a way of upsetting her. She asked;

“Why did you have to come from Russia? You could easily have sent someone to do it. I was told I was awaiting an emissary. I never thought it would be you.”

“I just wanted to see you. I’ve missed you, Viv,” he said, still staring at the people.

“Oh,” she said and he turned to look at her.

“But, you don’t seem happy to see me. You smile but it’s obvious your heart is far from it.”

Vivien tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ears. She didn’t say anything.

“Viv, I know you think of me as a hard man, incapable of emotions but I’m only doing what needs to be done to achieve our aim. We’ve been at this for years now without getting anywhere. Five years ago, because of your brilliance, we finally began making headway. We can’t afford to ruin this for reasons as fickle as emotions.”

Tags: Zion Cage The End Science Fiction